英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:01:47


英 ['si:sləslɪ]

美 [ˈsislɪslɪ]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. with unflagging resolve

e.g. dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste

Synonym: endlesslyincessantlyunceasinglyunendinglycontinuously

1. 不停地:ceaseless 不停的 | ceaselessly 不停地 | ceasing 停止

2. 不停地, 不断地:ceaseless || 不停的, 不断的 | ceaselessly || 不停地, 不断地 | ceasing || 停止, 终了, 中止

3. ceaselessly

3. 不断:ceaseless 不断 | ceaselessly 不断 | ceaselessly 不断地

4. 不停地/不断地/不休:ceaseless /不停的/不断的/ | ceaselessly /不停地/不断地/不休/ | ceasing /停止/中止/终了/

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The characters complain ceaselessly about food lines, prices, and corruption.(这些人对领取食品的队伍、价格和腐败不停地抱怨。)
A flock of players form an organization, induct other player initiate ceaselessly.(一群玩家组成一个组织,并不断吸纳别的玩家入会。)
It creates new joinable threads ceaselessly until failure happens.(它不断创建新的可接合线程,直至有故障发生。)
The garrulous waves ceaselessly talked of hidden treasures, mocking the ignorance that knew not their meaning.(喧哗的波浪,在不停地谈论那隐藏的珠宝,嘲笑那不懂得它们的意思的愚人。)
Unaware of what he really needs, he ceaselessly roams in the sky just like a headless insect.(他搞不清楚究竟自己需要什么,就像一只无头昆虫在天空中不停游荡。)
Only a vulgarian talks ceaselessly about how much this or that cost him.(只有暴发户才会喋喋不休地谈论这个或那个花了他多少钱。)
They moved ceaselessly, examining every corner of the room as though trying to calculate a means of escape.(他的双眼滴溜溜地不停转动,窥探着法庭的每个角落,似乎在盘算着如何伺机逃遁。)
Art is so multifarious, so ceaselessly changing.(艺术是姿态万千的不停地变化的。)
There are people who talk ceaselessly for fear of being alone.(有人因害怕孤独而不停地说话。)
He ceaselessly strives for the realization of individual capacities and talents.(他为实现个人能力与才智而奋斗不息。)
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