英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 14:39:40


英 ['tʃekʌp]

美 [ˈtʃɛkˌʌp]



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1. a thorough physical examination
includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person

Synonym: medical checkupmedical examinationmedical exammedicalhealth check

1. 检查:且标题和文件名相同,如病因(cause)、症状(sign)、检查(checkup)等等. 试着构想一下,每个

2. 审查:checksummat 求校验和 | checkup 审查 | checkweighman 确认矿重人

3. 体检:Camping 野营 | CheckUp 体检 | TheStoryofChopsticks 筷子的故事

4. 身体检查:cervix 子宫颈 | checkup 身体检查 | cheek 脸颊;面颊

I have a dental checkup last year.(我去年进行了一次牙齿检查。)
"I'm cured for now," is how a grateful Mark Origer, 53, of Watertown, Wis., put it after a checkup from NCI doctors this week.(“现在我痊愈了。”一个来自沃特敦,维斯区,53岁,高兴的MarkOriger在这周接受了国家癌症协会医生的身体检查后这样说道的。)
A similar annual checkup takes place in another type of practitioner's office: financial planners.(另一种类似的年度检查是在金融顾问的事务所里进行的。)
At the same time, I scheduled a spiritual checkup, too.(与此同时,我也订下了一份属灵体检单。)
'Think about your career like you do going to the dentist and getting a checkup every so often,' says Mr. Luzzo.(“你会定期去看牙医,做常规检查,而工作也是如此,”卢奥说。)
Siblings of children diagnosed with autism may benefit for a checkup for related symptoms.(被诊断为自闭症的患儿兄妹们可以进行一些相关症状的检查。)
We're calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.(我们打电话来是想提醒你明天4点15分要做年度体检。)
So one night after the kids went to bed, she sat him down on the deck and told him she'd had a checkup that day.(因此,一天晚上等孩子们都上床睡觉了之后,她把他叫到露台上坐下,告诉他,自己当天做了个检查。)
But your next checkup might add a new number to the mix.(但是下一次健康检查时,你或许还应该再增加一项指标。)
He also asks that the families go to the hospital together while the wet nurse gets a checkup.(他还要求奶妈体检时雇主一家人也一块儿去。)
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