英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:07:54


英 [ˈtʃi:kbəʊn]

美 [ˈtʃi:kboʊn]



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1. the arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek

Synonym: zygomatic bonezygomaticmalarmalar bonejugal boneos zygomaticum

1. 颧骨;颊骨
Your cheekbones are the two bones in your face just below your eyes.


e.g. She was very beautiful, with high cheekbones.

1. 颊骨:这个数据库提供五部分用数字表示的分数:髋关节发育异常(HD)、肘关节发育异常(ED)、头部(Head)、颊骨(Cheekbone)和骨量(Bone strength)(这里的骨量并不是指我们常说的大体型、大骨架而是指强壮、结实的骨骼结构),100分是这五部分中的任何一部分的平均分数.

2. 颊骨/馗:cheddar /干酪的一种/ | cheekbone /颊骨/馗/ | cheekily /厚脸皮地/

3. 颊骨, 颧骨:cheek-bone || 颧骨 | cheekbone || 颊骨, 颧骨 | cheekily || 厚脸皮地

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Using a photograph, measure the width of your face from cheekbone to cheekbone and its height from your upper lip to the highest point of the eyelids.(用照片,量一量你的脸两颊的间距、还有上唇与眼睑最高处的距离。)
Also, I extended wrinkles to the cheekbone areas.(此外,我延长皱纹到颧骨地区。)
Voigt suffered a fractured right cheekbone and a severe concussion.(福格特被打断右颧骨严重脑震荡。)
Place your two hands over your eyes with the cup of your palm covering your eyes, your fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hand will rest on your cheekbone.(将两手掌覆盖在眼睛上,手指覆盖前额,手掌末端轻轻放在颧骨上。)
On my way down, my head had hit the corner of my desk, cutting my eye and breaking my cheekbone.(倒地的时候,我的头不慎碰到办公桌一角,划伤了眼睛,就连颧骨也骨折了。)
But before, the change residence scope limited to the cheekbone thickness, is limited, only may apply after the mild root of the tongue gas channel narrow patient.(但前徙幅度限于颊骨厚度,非常有限,仅可应用于轻度舌根后气道狭窄的患者。)
If I see you in here again, I will break your cheekbone with a small hammer. And then I will kill you.(假设再让我在这儿看见你,我会用小锤子敲碎你的面颊骨,然后杀了你。)
The most common site for this problem is along the cheekbone and on the cheek.(最常见的网站,这个问题是沿颧骨和脸颊。)
Continue the movement up to the cheekbone.(将动作变大,直至颧骨。)
I'm sure of that, because, you know he had this kind of like cheekbone and the bone structure that would not [have] failed in years.(我相当确信,因为他有那样的眼骨,那样的骨架好几年也不会老。)
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