英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 14:31:43


英 [ˈtʃɪpə(r)]

美 [ˈtʃɪpɚ]




过去式: chippered 过去分词: chippered 现在分词: chippering 第三人称单数: chippers

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1. 兴高采烈的;活泼的;活跃的
Chipper means cheerful and lively.


e.g. He looked unusually chipper this morning.

1. 起扑杆 球杆杆面较垂直用以从果岭边击出低的起扑球:Chip 起扑 这是低的带跑球,通常从果岭边击向旗杆洞口. | Chipper 起扑杆 球杆杆面较垂直用以从果岭边击出低的起扑球 | Claim 抗议(比赛中对方违反规则所提出的意见)

2. chipper

2. 爽朗:cheerful 高兴 | chipper 爽朗 | cold 冷淡


3. 爽朗的:chipper 使高兴起来 | chipper 爽朗的 | chipper 削者


4. 快乐的:chionophobia 恐雪症 | chipper 快乐的 | chirk 高兴的

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  • 临近词

According to the technological requirement of wood chip cropping Angle, the basic size of chipper could be determined.(根据对木片切料角的工艺要求可初步确定削片机的基本尺寸。)
Serena: Look at you. Quite the chipper Sous chef.(看看你,简直是个欢快的副大厨。)
As some chipper commenters on that Facebook post point out, however, there was a pretty easy fix for the problem.(然而,一些活跃的评论者在一些贴中指出,对这个问题来说,其实有一个非常简单的解决方式。)
The plan was put into effect, and the new wood chipper worked well.(该方案经过实际设计制造,效果良好。)
He's frail but chipper, as he receives guests in his book-lined study.(他虽身体虚弱,但精神矍铄,常常在布满书籍的书房里接见客人。)
The basic design procedure of forming the controller of an electric water heater with a single chipper is analysed.(介绍了用单片机构成电热水器控制器的基本设计方法。)
You look so chipper this morning. ;(你今天早上看起来心情很愉快。)
The conclusion was that the chipper is fine in feature, advanced in structure and it will have vastly been used.(其结论是,此削片机性能优良,结构先进,有广阔的推广前景。)
Run it through the wood chipper, and then incorporate the bits into various food items.(将它放入木材削片机,然后把小木片放到各种各样的食物里。)
Then Don told us in a 24)chipper tone, “Well, I guess I’ll see you in Heaven.”(然后唐以一种爽朗的口气对我说:“噢,我们以后在天堂见吧。”)
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