英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 14:43:31



英 [ˈkɒlərɪk]

美 [ˈkɑ:lərɪk]


副词: cholerically

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1. 脾气火爆的;暴躁易怒的
A choleric person gets angry very easily. You can also use choleric to describe a person who is very angry.

e.g. ...his choleric disposition...
e.g. He was affable at one moment, choleric the next.


1. 易怒的:<>是交响芭蕾大师乔治.巴兰钦的代表作之一,作品以忧郁的 (Melancholic)、冷静的( Sanguinic)、冷淡的 (Phlegmatic)、易怒的 (Choleric)四个主题主成,编导在古典芭蕾的技术动的基础上进行全新的动作发展与编排、使之准确

2. 易怒:若血液太多,则会使人活泼或快乐(sanguine), 黏液太多会使人冷漠或笨拙(phlegmatic), 胆汁太多会使人急躁或易怒 (choleric),而黑胆汁太多则导致人的忧郁 (melan-cholic).

3. 易怒的,暴躁的:fabric 织物,纺织品;结构 | choleric 易怒的,暴躁的 | generic 种类的、类属的


4. 易怒的 (形):choleraic 霍乱的; 脾气暴躁的; 类似霍乱的 (形) | choleric 易怒的 (形) | cholesterol 胆固醇 (名)

Then the muscles of his heart, exhausted after three billion beats and weakened by pneumonia, diabetes, and the stress of a choleric temperament, paused just for a moment, and could not resume.(后来他的心脏在跳了三十亿下后,又因肺炎、糖尿病、暴躁的脾气而心肌衰竭,停了一会儿,无法恢复正常。)
Results 38.58% of patients with primary hypertension belonged to choleric temperament type.(结果研究发现原发性高血压患者以胆汁质气质类型多见:占38.58%。)
Beneath his choleric exterior Gerald O'Hara had the tenderest of hearts.(杰拉尔德·欧哈拉的外相虽然凶恨,心里却是再和气不过。)
In style, Mr McCain's reaction was slow and choleric, while Mr Obama's was steely and swift.(在风度上,麦凯恩先生的反应迟缓、暴躁,而奥巴马先生的反应则坚定、迅速。)
He was affable at one moment, choleric the next.(他时而友善和蔼,时而暴躁易怒。)
Choleric people don't cry easily or show much emotion at all.(暴躁的人不会轻易哭泣,或显露过多的情绪。)
On hearing this the general's head sank; he shrugged his shoulders, and flung up his hands with a choleric gesture.(团长听了这些话后垂下头来,默不作声地耸耸肩膀,很激动地把两手一摊。)
It sometimes happens that, at forty or fifty years of age, circulatory disorders of the rhythmic system appear as a direct result of a teacher's unrestrained choleric temperament.(有时就会在40或50岁左右,在节奏系统出现循环紊乱,这是教师未加限制的胆汁质所导致的直接后果。)
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