英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 14:44:00


英 [ˌkɒriˈɒgrəfi]

美 [ˌkɔ:riˈɑ:grəfi]


形容词: choreographic 副词: choreographically 名词复数: choreographies

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1. a show involving artistic dancing

Synonym: stage dancing

2. a notation used by choreographers

3. the representation of dancing by symbols as music is represented by notes

1. 舞蹈设计;编舞
Choreography is the inventing of steps and movements for ballets and other dances.

e.g. The choreography of Eric Hawkins is considered radical by ballet audiences.

1. 编舞:描述这种约定的语言通常称为编舞(choreography)语言. 之所以称为编舞是因为服务的协作就像表演的一个集体舞蹈,所有服务作为参与者都需要事先明确自己的活动顺序,协作开始执行后没有一个中心协调者告诉你什么时候该干什么.

2. 舞蹈编排:每隔一段时间你想到打它一趟,便是最好的没有舞蹈编排(choreography)的自然随心所欲之舞蹈. 有时这种招式演练,比练气更益於身心,乃它的美感之沁入深心,教人更如同要歌赞天地大美一般怡情悦心.

3. 舞术编排:chief electrician 首席灯光师 | choreography 舞术编排 | Cineon digital Film System 数位化影像系统

4. 编排 編排:choreography编排編排 | class类類別 | concept概念概念

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The choreography of Eric Hawkins is considered radical by ballet audiences.(埃里克·霍金斯的舞蹈编排被芭蕾舞剧的观众认为是不同凡响的。)
Choreography - the art of symbolically representing dancing.(编排(Choreography):一种象征性地表达舞蹈的艺术。)
Choreography of services into larger composite applications through BPEL.(通过BPEL将服务编排为更大的组合应用。)
The choreography and the end result will be your responsibility of course.(编排和最终结果当然会是你的责任。)
Using E4X to write simple choreography services(使用E4X编写简单编排服务)
Figure 2 shows this choreography configuration.(图2显示了此编排配置。)
I wouldn't be surprised if a vendor pitched a BPEL engine as a choreography product.(要是哪个供应商声称一个BPEL引擎是某种编排产品,我也不会感到奇怪了。)
The proposed choreography is intricate.(被提出的安排是错综复杂的。)
This pattern consists of the implementation of a dedicated Service Choreography component.(这种模式由专用服务编排组件的实现组成。)
Orchestration and choreography of services: making composite applications work.(服务的编制(Orchestration)和编排(Choreography):让组合应用工作。)
choreography是什么意思 choreography在线翻译 choreography什么意思 choreography的意思 choreography的翻译 choreography的解释 choreography的发音 choreography的同义词