英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:17:30



英 [ˈklerɪkl]

美 [ˈklɛrɪkəl]



副词: clerically

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1. appropriate for or engaged in office work

e.g. clerical skills
a clerical job
the clerical staff

2. of or relating to the clergy

e.g. clerical collar

3. of or relating to clerks

e.g. clerical work

1. 文书工作的;文职人员的
Clerical jobs, skills, and workers are concerned with work that is done in an office.


e.g. ...a strike by clerical staff in all government departments...
e.g. The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error.

2. 神职人员的;圣职人员的
Clerical means relating to the clergy.

e.g. ...a bearded man in a dark suit and clerical collar.
e.g. ...Iran's clerical leadership.

1. clerical的反义词

1. 办事员:city 所在城市(拼音) | Clerical 办事员 | College 大学

2. 牧师的:clerical work 行政工作 | clerical 牧师的 | clericalism 教权主义

3. 办事员的,办公的:secretarial 秘书的 | clerical 办事员的,办公的 | seniority 老资格,资历

4. clerical的反义词

4. 教士服:救生背心 life vest | 教士服 clerical | 教士袍 cassock

Verify the clerical accuracy of the entity's proof of cash and its bank cutoff statement.(验证实体的现金证明及其银行截止日期报表的文书准确性。)
And the tone of archaeological reports has a deliberate, academic, almost clerical dryness, far removed from the riotous swagger of Indiana Jones.(而且考古报告的基调几乎千篇一律的学术味十足、几乎是文书干燥的调调,与大家印象中“守宝奇兵”的缤纷招摇可是相去甚远。)
I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co。, in teh general clerical work of the office。(我今年20岁,曾于绿林公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。)
Human experts, now unburdened of routine clerical chores, are freed to focus their unique skills on complex cases.(相关的专家现在不再受例行的烦琐事务困扰,可以将其特定的技能用于处理复杂案例上。)
Please excuse this clerical error.(请原谅这一书写错误。)
The clerical workers considered factors such as quality of work performed and job knowledge near the top of their list, but these were at the bottom of the production workers' list.(文员们把工作质量和工作知识等因素放在工作清单的最前面,但这些因素在生产工人的工作清单中却排在最后。)
Organizations can always use an extra set of hands to help with everything from computer work to clerical tasks.(任何组织都会善加利用额外的帮手,让他们做从电脑到文书等的所有工作。)
The use that was made of these beliefs by the powerful (whether that power was secular or clerical) can often look cynical to a modern observer.(由现代人观之,那些世俗或教会权威所订立的信条,不免显得相当愤世嫉俗。)
The point is the claims to tradition and faith on which clerical authority rest are being eroded.(这一事件说明,教士阶层所依靠的传统和信仰正遭到日益侵蚀。)
As clerical loads increased, something had to give, and that was always face time with patients.(随着文书工作量的增加,有些事情不得不放弃,而这通常是和病人面对面的交流时间。)
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