英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 14:51:47



  • 双语例句

1. If you want to be closed-minded, fine.

2. Well, most of you are too arrogant and closed-minded to understand.

3. Not that he wasn't closed-minded, but the thing was that he was very talented.

4. Call me closed-minded if you will.

5. Generally, as a rule, I don't like to work with people who are closed-minded and have a hard time believing in themselves. But he was different.

6. He just felt you were a little, you know, closed-minded.

7. closed-minded的意思

7. Let's see, you told me that Phil Roth said I was closed-minded, but he never said that.
你告诉我,Phil Roth 说我思想保守,但实际上他并没那么说。

8. Truthfully, both sides were being quite closed-minded and refusing to consider the other's perspective.

9. It will help those people who have open-minded parents, but it won't help if they are conservative and closed-minded.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

"I'm not completely closed-minded about this, but tunnel repair is such sensitive work that it is difficult for me to see a tunnel conducting repairs all on its own," he says.(“我未完全麻木追求这个方法,但隧道维修是个敏感的工作,对于我而言要隧道完全靠自身管理维修工作是非易事”,他说。)
In an effort to appease the closed-minded, you are only serving to be detrimental to babies, women, and society.(她们的要求是“要改变守旧的思想,你们的做法对孩子、母亲和社会都没有好处。”)
It will help those people who have open-minded parents, but it won't help if they are conservative and closed-minded.(这本书对那些开明的父母会有所帮助,但对保守的和心智闭塞的父母则另当别论。)
Well, most of you are too arrogant and closed-minded to understand.(好吧,那我告诉你,你们当中的大多数都是难以理解,思想封闭的傲慢鬼。)
There's a term for people who don't expose themselves to ideas because they are afraid of them: "closed-minded."(有一个术语来形容那些因为害怕想法而不敢将自己显露给它们的人:“封闭的思想。”)
closed-minded是什么意思 closed-minded在线翻译 closed-minded什么意思 closed-minded的意思 closed-minded的翻译 closed-minded的解释 closed-minded的发音 closed-minded的同义词