英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:19:39


英 [ˈklɔɪɪŋ]




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1. overly sweet

Synonym: saccharinesyrupytreacly

1. 厌烦的:cloy 吃饱 | cloying 厌烦的 | cloze 完形的

2. (感情过于外露而)令人腻烦的:protocol: (科学实验结果的) 官方记录 | cloying: (感情过于外露而)令人腻烦的 | jester: (史)(中世纪宫廷) 逗乐小丑

3. cloying的反义词

3. 甜得让人发腻的:clairvoyance超人的洞察力 | cloying甜得让人发腻的 | comely美丽的,动人的

4. 甜得发腻的:upswing 上升,增长 | cloying 甜得发腻的 | prying 窥探的,爱打听的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

At night, when the sea breeze isn't blowing inland, Juan-les-Pins smells faintly like North Africa, a combination of diesel, dust, cooking oil and cloying flowers.(到了夜里,海风不再吹向内陆的方向,瑞昂莱潘的味道变得像北非一般令人晕眩,混杂着柴油、尘土、食用油和甜得发腻的花香。)
Againye tried to be a good nurse, attentive but not cloying, fetching me a stool to use while I bathed from a bucket and petting my head as I napped, saying, “Pain you well well” in soothing pidgin.(他替我拿来一个板凳,方便我在水桶里洗澡时使用,又在我打盹时摩挲着我的头,用令人宽心的混杂语言说道:“生病了,你要完全好起来啊。”)
St-Germain becomes ubiquitous and it has won fans thanks to a light, flowery taste that is not as cloying as, say, a litchi martini.(圣日耳曼变得无处不在,它清淡、绚丽的味道不像荔枝马蒂尼那样令人生厌,因此赢得了众多粉丝。)
Most TV kids are so cloying.(电视上的大部分童星都太让人腻烦。)
What's best about the snack is its sweet-but-not-cloying and fatty-but-not - greasy taste.(这个小吃最棒的地方是甜而不过,油而不腻。)
To ex-subjects of the Soviet imperium, talk of officially encouraged admiration for “fraternal” nations, laced with displays of embroidery, cuisine and folk-dancing, sounds cloying.(对于前苏联国民来说,对于兄弟国家间兄弟情谊的官方赞赏言论,并加以粉饰加工,还有民间舞蹈相映衬,听起来真是倒人胃口。)
His particular trademark is a cute and cloying sentimentality.(他独特的标志是做作的、让人反感的多愁善感。)
The levels of darkness were at times so powerful and cloying, that the task looked far from easy.(黑暗的程度此时是如此强大并使人厌烦,任务看起来远非容易。)
Encountered in the reality of love, is not cloying sweet, is bitter bitterness, and I'm more eager to plain.(现实中遇到的爱情,不是甜的发腻,就是苦得心酸,而我更渴望平平淡淡。)
Here is where I beg, in cloying tones, that we teach the children to learn from these mistakes.(我能做的只是苦口婆心地教育孩子们从我的错误中吸取教训。)
cloying是什么意思 cloying在线翻译 cloying什么意思 cloying的意思 cloying的翻译 cloying的解释 cloying的发音 cloying的同义词