英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:27:28


英 [ˌkɒmɪˈseəriət]

美 [ˌkɑ:mɪˈseriət]



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1. a stock or supply of foods

Synonym: provisionsprovenderviandsvictuals

1. (部队的)军需处,给养部门
A commissariat is a military department that is in charge of food supplies.


1. 军需部:commissarial 代表人的 | commissariat 军需部 | commissary 代表

2. 粮食补给:commissariat 军需部 | commissariat 粮食补给 | commissary 物资供应所

3. 军粮供应:Prolonged 持久的 | Commissariat 军粮供应 | Episode 片断

4. commissariat的意思

4. 军需部/粮食/粮食补给:commissarian /簿记管理员/ | commissariat /军需部/粮食/粮食补给/ | commissary /代表/委员/物资供应所/

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Every successful diversified economy project, it is commissariat economy a new point of growth.(每个成功的多种经营项目,就是粮食经济一个新的增长点。)
But Alfred had deduced that the Danish were no longer fit for prolonged battle: and that their commissariat had no organization, but depended on irregular raids.(但是阿尔佛雷德认为丹麦人不再适合长期的拖延战,而且他们的粮食补给是依靠不规则的搜捕,没有统一的组织。)
Just, professional market "commissariat" reserve is finite, viable website is not much also.(只是,专业市场“粮食”储备有限,能养活的网站也不多。)
Commissariat is the foundation of national economy base.(粮食是国民经济基础的基础。)
Very lucky, this person says he is the head of commissariat bureau.(很幸运,这个人说他是粮食局的头头。)
He seemed to be trying to forget that old life, and to be interested only in his quarrel with the commissariat officials.(他好像力图忘怀过去的生活,只是关心他和军粮官的那个案子。)
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