英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:27:43


英 [kəˈməʊdiəs]

美 [kəˈmoʊdiəs]


副词: commodiously 名词: commodiousness

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1. large and roomy (`convenient' is archaic in this sense)

e.g. a commodious harbor
a commodious building suitable for conventions

Synonym: convenient

1. (房间或房子)宽敞的
A commodious room or house is large and has a lot of space.

1. 宽敞的:commode 抽屉小柜 | commodious 宽敞的 | commodiously 宽阔地


2. 宽敞:accommodate留宿 | commodious宽敞 | coerce强制,强迫,vt

3. commodious

3. 宽敞的/方便的:commode /马子/洗脸台/小橱/便桶/ | commodious /宽敞的/方便的/ | commodiously /宽敞地/方便地/

4. 寬敞的,便利的:comic 喜劇的 | commodious 寬敞的,便利的 | compliment 恭維

  • 经典引文

  • The Isle of Caldey..safe and commodious for Men of War.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

His house was spacious and commodious, and furnished with profusion and elegance.(他的房子宽敞而便利,布置得富丽优雅。)
We inform you that we have removed from N. street to more convenient and commodious premises, situated at the above address.(街迁到上述地址,更方便更宽大的办公室办公,特此通知。)
“The Coffee houses particularly are very commodious for a free Conversation, and for reading at an easie Rate all manner of printed News, ” noted one observer.(据一名观察员说,咖啡屋是进行自由交谈的不二选择,并且也是休闲阅读的理想场所。)
As a appropriate intermediate car dealer ikea, eight generations more accord to the business, at the same time, the space can also commodious crew to bring a more comfortable feeling.(作为一款宜商宜家的中级轿车,八代雅阁更偏向于商务,同时宽绰的空间还能为乘员带来更舒适的感觉。)
35-corny might have given us a more commodious yoke, Mr Power said.(“科尼蛮可以给咱们套一辆更宽绰些的车嘛,”鲍尔先生说。)
Although the house was small it was commodious.(房子虽小,住起来倒还方便。)
It was bright and commodious, with a bevelled mirror set in the wall at one end and incandescent lights arranged in three places.(浴室里又亮又宽敞,一头的墙上嵌着一面斜边镜子,有三个地方装着白炽灯。)
Commodious and bright Conference Hall, perfect supporting services and service attitude of acting on requisition are the unique advantages of the Hotel in meeting services.(宽敞明亮的会议大厅、一应俱全的配套服务、有求必应的服务态度,更形成了大厦会议服务的独特优势。)
It is a commodious house.(这是一间宽敞的房屋。)
Even during change of classes there is no crowding because the halls and stairways are commodious.(即使上下课期间也没有拥挤,因为大厅和楼梯过道都很宽敞。)
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