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更新时间:2024-06-10 15:11:05


英 [kənˌfedəˈreɪʃn]

美 [kənˌfɛdəˈreʃən]


名词: confederationism

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1. the act of forming an alliance or confederation

Synonym: alliance

2. a union of political organizations

Synonym: confederacyfederation

3. the state of being allied or confederated

Synonym: alliance

1. (尤指为商业或政治目的而组成的)联盟,同盟,联合会
A confederation is an organization or group consisting of smaller groups or states, especially one that exists for business or political purposes.

e.g. ...the Confederation of Indian Industry.
e.g. ...plans to partition the republic into a confederation of mini-states.

1. confederation

1. 联邦:斯普林菲尔德手枪,tomahawk猎枪,炸药甚至Ketchum手雷来杀敌,或者仅仅运用与各国政要谈判的手段来解决这个世界里发生的种种问题.本MOD共有五大势力,即 联盟(Union), 联邦(Confederation), 加拿大联盟(Canadian Union),

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The Africa Cup is organised by the Confederation of African Rugby (CAR) and is contested every year by 12 nations.(非洲杯由非洲橄榄球联盟组织,每4年举办一次,有12支球队参赛。)
A survey by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) showed retail sales fell more sharply than expected in August.(英国工业联合会的一份调查显示8月份的零售额比预期大幅下降。)
The Franks were originally a loose confederation of Germanic tribes.(法兰克人原来是日尔曼部落的一个松散部落。)
That is applauded by the Confederation of British Industry, among others.(这点尤其被英国工业联盟大力赞赏。)
Now we're trying to solve the employability problem," said Vijay Thadani, head of the Confederation of Indian Industry's committee on education.(现在我们在试图解决就业能力问题”。)
It will need to find a way to fulfill the dreams of "the Fathers of Confederation" of so many years ago.(她需要找到一条道路,实现多年以前“联邦国父”的梦想。)
But what action will the Confederation of African Football, the continent's governing body, take?(但非洲足球联盟——非洲足球的主管机构将采取什么举动?)
The Confederation does not exist.(联邦并不存在。)
This is one of the integral parts for them to become a member of the galactic confederation.(对他们来说,这是他们成为银河联盟一员的主要部分之一。)
List each province and territoy and tell when each one joined Confederation?(列举每个省份及特区,并说出何时加入同盟?)
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