英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:35:06


英 [kənˈfɔ:mɪst]

美 [kənˈfɔ:rmɪst]




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1. someone who conforms to established standards of conduct (especially in religious matters)


1. marked by convention and conformity to customs or rules or styles

e.g. underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist

2. adhering to established customs or doctrines (especially in religion)

Synonym: conforming

1. 墨守成规的;循规蹈矩的
Someone who is conformist behaves or thinks like everyone else rather than doing things that are original.

e.g. He may have to become more conformist if he is to prosper again...
e.g. Mr Gordon now feels forced into an ever more conformist way of running his practice.

1. 遵奉者:conformism 因袭态度 | conformist 遵奉者 | conformity 一致

2. 循规蹈矩的人:sibling:兄弟,姐妹 | conformist: 循规蹈矩的人 | temperament 气质,性格

3. conformist

3. 遵奉者,英国国教徒:conformism || 盲目因袭的态度,因循守旧 | conformist || 遵奉者, 英国国教徒 | conformity certificate || 合格证(明)

4. 墨守成规:extravert 外向的 | conformist 墨守成规 | conservative 保守的

He may have to become more conformist if he is to prosper again.(如果想再次成功,他可能得更遵守成规。)
He does not see himself as particularly "progressive". He comes from a long line of vigorous, non-conformist teachers.(他从未把自己视为特别地“进步”。他是那类朝气蓬勃、不墨守成规的教师。)
Butt his conformist image and manner belie his break with strait-laced japanese business conventions.(不过,他墨守成规的形象与举止,其实掩饰了他对日本企业刻板传统的背弃。)
Most of all, the researchers would like to understand why humpback whales, of all species, resemble humans in their love for ever-changing yet conformist fashion.(研究人员尤其想弄明白,在所有物种中,为什么只有座头鲸对于多变而古板的时尚的热爱跟人类如此相似。)
A non-conformist by upbringing, educated at an unfashionable school, with a modest degree from Cambridge.(这个被一所非主流学校培养、教育出的新教徒,在剑桥大学表现平平。)
Rebellion or none conformist tendencies is often a feature, particularly when the social planets are involved.(反抗或非传统主义倾向时常也是一个特点,特别是当社会行星也牵入时。)
Users need great time and resource to manage the complicated system and it is really hard to conformist.(用户需要大量的资源维护已有的复杂系统,现存的应用很难整合。)
Furthermore it is defended by use of emotional appeals and conformist arguments.(此外,它还被情感要求和遵奉者的意见所辩护。)
Sometimes, to foreigners, Japan's societal rules seems orderly and conformist to a fault.(有时,在外国人的眼里,日本社会的这些行为规范显得陈旧,对它们的遵从到了过分的地步。)
"Well, it's a good thing I'm a rebellious non-conformist, " many of you are saying.(嗯,我应该是一个叛经离道的独行者,这样挺好。)
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