英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 15:05:36



英 [kənˈtestənt]

美 [kənˈtɛstənt, ˈkɑnˌtɛstənt]



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  • [C]竞争者;参赛者 a competitor in a competition


1. a person who participates in competitions

2. a person who dissents from some established policy

Synonym: dissenterdissidentprotesterobjector

1. 参赛者
A contestant in a competition or quiz is a person who takes part in it.

1. contestant的反义词

1. 选手:每支队伍最多由三名选手(contestant)组成,每个选手必须是正在主管学校攻读学位并已读完至少一半时间的学生. 每支队伍最多允许有一名选手具有学士学位,已经参加两次决赛的选手不得再参加区域竞赛.

2. contestant的翻译

2. 参赛者:评判及奖励:邀请五位教师任评委(judge),获前十名的参赛者(contestant)获奖1. 故宫(the Palace Museum)又叫紫禁城(the Forbidden City). 它于1407年开始修建,二十万人花了十四年的时间,于1420年建成.

3. 竞争者:参与特首选举 contest the chief executive election | 竞争者 contestant | 美国大陆航空 Continental Airlines

4. contestant在线翻译

4. 参赛者,竞争者:Consumer 消费者,顾客 | Contestant 参赛者,竞争者 | Convict 已决犯,服刑中的犯人,阴谋家

  • 常用例句

  • The contestants lined up for the 100-yard dash.
  • Many of the 18 contestants were looking a little shy.
  • The next contestant surprised me. She made 139 jumps in half a minute.
  • Her Olympic experience gave her a big advantage over the other contestants for the final victory.
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Contestant: Says who?(参赛选手:谁说的?)
[The BGT producers] have a whole army of doctors, psychiatrists and experts all available to any contestant at any time.(英国达人的制造者们拥有一大批医生、心理咨询师和专家,他们在任何时候都可以帮助参赛者们。)
Shou Junchao (his rap singing fellow contestant) and I are actually very close friends behind the scenes.(刘伟说“在台后,我和寿君超(说唱选手)其实是很要好的朋友。”)
Even using an absolute XPath expression such as /bracket/contestants/contestant[@seed='1'] doesn't work.(即使使用绝对的XPath表达式,如/bracket/contestants/contestant[@seed='1'],也没有办法。)
Each contestant had his own take on the subject.(每位选手对这个问题都有自己的看法。)
The content of the table cell is the seed number followed by the name of the contestant with that seed.(表单元格的内容是seed编号,后接具有该seed级别的竞争者的名称。)
As a contestant, I think, one should be confident and full of hope.(作为一名选手,我认为应该充满信心和希望。)
'Oh, I would love to be a contestant,' said Angela.(“噢,我还想当选手呢,”安吉拉说。)
Later he applied to be a contestant on the television show.(之后他报了名做该电视秀的参赛者。)
First of all, a contestant should peel the vegetables.(一开始,选手需要削去蔬菜的皮。)
contestant是什么意思 contestant在线翻译 contestant什么意思 contestant的意思 contestant的翻译 contestant的解释 contestant的发音 contestant的同义词