英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 15:09:37



英 [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt]

美 [ˌkɑ:ntrəˈdɪkt]

vt.反驳;与 ... 矛盾

形容词: contradictable 名词: contradicter 过去式: contradicted 过去分词: contradicted 现在分词: contradicting 第三人称单数: contradicts

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  • 反驳,驳斥
  • 否定,反对,不同意,提出论据反对
  • 否认,把...加以否认
  • 发生矛盾
  • 抗辩,对抗,对着干
  • 与…抵触,与…矛盾,与…对立
  • 与…发生矛盾,与…冲突
  • 违反
  • vt. & vi. 反驳,否认…的真实性 deny the truth of sth said or written; deny the words of a person
  • vt. 与…发生矛盾,与…抵触 be opposite in nature or character to sth


1. prove negative
show to be false

Synonym: negate

2. be resistant to

e.g. The board opposed his motion

Synonym: opposecontrovert

3. deny the truth of

Synonym: negatecontravene

4. be in contradiction with

Synonym: belienegate

1. 反驳;否认;驳斥
If you contradict someone, you say that what they have just said is wrong, or suggest that it is wrong by saying something different.

e.g. She dared not contradict him...
e.g. His comments appeared to contradict remarks made earlier in the day by the chairman...

2. 与…矛盾;同… 抵触
If one statement or piece of evidence contradicts another, the first one makes the second one appear to be wrong.


e.g. Her version contradicted the Govern-ment's claim that they were shot after being challenged...
e.g. The result seems to contradict a major U.S. study reported last November.

3. 违背;与…背道而驰
If one policy or situation contradicts another, there is a conflict between them, and they cannot both exist or be successful.

e.g. Mr Grant feels that the cutbacks contradict the Government's commitment to better educational standards.

1. 否认,矛盾:corrupt 使腐坏,败坏 | contradict 否认,矛盾 | contrary 相反的

2. 反驳;否定:continue 接着说 | contradict 反驳;否定 | declare 声明声称

3. 相反,反对,否定:benediction 祝福,恩赐 | contradict 相反,反对,否定 | contradictious 矛盾,好反驳的

  • 常用例句

  • Don't contradict!
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的contradicere,意为同……抵触。
Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts, creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview.(萨根更关心那些相信鬼魂、神创论和其他与科学世界观相悖的现象的人。)
The shy girl was afraid to contradict.(这个害羞的女孩不敢提出反驳意见。)
God will never contradict his written word.(上帝不会与他所说的话相矛盾。)
"I am sorry," said the Owl, "to have to contradict the Crow, my famous friend and colleague."(“很抱歉,”猫头鹰说,“我不得不反驳乌鸦,我杰出的朋友和同事。”)
This last finding would appear to contradict another popular hypothesis that it is our burdening of students with assignments that is causing all the problems.(最后这一发现似乎与另一种流行的假设相矛盾,即我们给学生的作业负担正导致了所有的问题。)
Mrs Linton spoke strongly, and yet I can't contradict her.(林惇夫人说得过火些,可我驳不倒她。)
Do not contradict yourself.(不要自相矛盾。)
This seems to contradict the CRUDy anti pattern for SOA.(这有好像与SOA反模式CRUD是矛盾的。)
There are several hypotheses trying to explain that outbreaks but none have elements of the truth because they contradict each other.(有几种假说试图解释这种疾病的爆发,但没有一种假说是正确的,因为它们相互矛盾。)
Do not contradict, especially if it's not important.(不要反驳,特别是在不重要的情况下。)
contradict是什么意思 contradict在线翻译 contradict什么意思 contradict的意思 contradict的翻译 contradict的解释 contradict的发音 contradict的同义词