英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 15:20:38


英 [ˈkɒpibʊk]

美 [ˈkɑ:pibʊk]



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1. a book containing models of good penmanship
used in teaching penmanship

1. 精确的;准确的
A copybook action is done perfectly, according to established rules.

e.g. Yuri gave a copybook display.

2. 败坏…的名声
If you blot your copybook, you spoil your good reputation by doing something wrong.

e.g. Alec blotted his copybook — got sent home for bad behaviour.


1. 习字簿:汗,五十遍?却是退化到小学的习字簿(COPYBOOK)时代了. 「师傅师傅,五十遍会不会太多了?徒儿我以前也学过一点粗浅笔法,你看......」

2. copybook的意思

2. 抄写本:4) 两本练习册具体操作:抄写本(copybook)是课后在家完成相应部分,应定期上交批阅,活动手册在课堂上完成,并立即检查正误;

3. 复写本用纸:coptubepaper 纱管纸 | copybook 复写本用纸 | copybookprintingpaper 压感复印纸

4. copybook

4. 字帖:copyboard 原稿板(架) | copybook 字帖 | copy-desk 编辑部

Charles was at the table, ruling a copybook Joe was reading to him, while his mother wasspinning in the corner.(查尔斯正用笔在桌上的一本字帖上划着,乔在跟着他一起读,而乔的妈妈正在角落里纺纱。)
Look, this is my storybook and that's her copybook.(看,这是我的故事书,那是她的抄写本。)
May I have a copybook for him?(我可以给他一本复写簿么?)
LIKE a blot on corporate India's copybook, the Satyam scandal is still spreading.(正像一个污点在印度的公司帐本上,萨蒂扬软件技术有限公司的丑闻仍旧在流传。)
Between pairs of delimiters, we also code INCLUDE member-name (which is similar to coding copy copybook-name) to specify each member we want brought into our program from the INCLUDE library.(在分隔符对中,我们会加入INCLUDEmember-name代码(与copycopybook-name编码类似),以设置我们想要从include库中引入程序的所有成员。)
May I have a copybook for you?(我能把一本抄写本给你吗?)
Rather than the bodies what does offer a clue is a copybook found in the ruins entirely burnt except for its cover which was protected by a plastic folder .(废墟中的一本习字簿倒是给了点提示,但除了塑料文件夹护住的封面,它几乎已经烧毁殆尽。)
She blotted her copybook when she arrived late for work.(她上班迟到影响了自己的名声。)
Teach: May I have a copybook?(我可以拿一本抄写本吗?)
This copybook is for you.(这个抄写本是给你的。)
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