英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:45:44


英 [ˈkɔ:nfleɪks]

美 [ˈkɔ:rnfleɪks]



  • 网络解释

1. cornflakes是什么意思

1. 玉米片:营销史上最著名的自杀案例是阿斯匹林(Aspirin)被法庭裁决为普通名称;其它的案例如:自动扶梯(Escalator),玻璃纸(Cellophane),烧瓶(Thermos),漆布(Linoleum),溜溜球(Yo-Yo)和玉米片(Cornflakes).

2. 脆玉米片:cornfield 玉米田 | cornflakes 脆玉米片 | cornflower 矢车菊

3. 粟米片:苏打粉 Soda Powder | 芝士粉 Grated Parmesan Cheese | 粟米片 Cornflakes

4. 玉米花:Cookies曲奇 | Cornflakes玉米花 | Pasta, white flour近年来,白面粉

I'd like cornflakes and two pieces of toast with butter, please.(请给我脆玉米片和两片面包加黄油。)
I love cornflakes, which are crunchy and delicious.(我爱玉米片,又脆又好吃。)
On Tuesday I have cornflakes.(周二我吃玉米片。)
THAT coffee or cornflakes are cheaper in a German supermarket than a French one is bad enough.(在德国超市销售的咖啡或玉米片都要比法国超市的更为便宜,这对法国人来说真是糟糕透顶。)
The children seem to have gone off cornflakes for breakfast.(孩子们似乎对玉米片做早餐不感兴趣了。)
Taste the cornflakes and the nuts.(尝尝玉米片和坚果。)
We bought, lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, toasts, butter, orange, milk and rolls.(我买了一些棒棒糖、冰激淋、玉米片、烤酱、橘子、牛奶和面包。)
Do you like cornflakes?(你喜欢玉米片吗?)
You ate cornflakes this morning.(你今天上午吃了玉米片。)
In a large bowl mix together: raisins, almonds, coconut, cornflakes, and sweetened condensed milk.(在一个大碗中装入:葡萄干、杏仁、椰粉、爆米花、炼奶。)
cornflakes是什么意思 cornflakes在线翻译 cornflakes什么意思 cornflakes的意思 cornflakes的翻译 cornflakes的解释 cornflakes的发音 cornflakes的同义词