英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:46:55



英 [kə'rəʊʒn]

美 [kəˈroʒən]



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1. erosion by chemical action

Synonym: corrodingerosion

2. a state of deterioration in metals caused by oxidation or chemical action

1. 腐蚀;侵蚀
Corrosion is the damage that is caused when something is corroded.

e.g. Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion.

1. 腐蚀:而循环水水质的好坏将决定水塔之结垢(scale)、腐蚀(corrosion)及菌藻滋生(fouling)等问题之严重性. 同时,这也是水塔排放循环水的主要原因. 除此之外,许多冷却水塔采用化学加药处理循环水的方法来控制或抑制因水质恶化所产生的问题.

2. 侵蚀:4月30日,第二个地图包发布,包含3张多人游戏地图:万岁(Banzai)取材于日军敌后深处场景;侵蚀(Corrosion)设定在一处苏联的火车编组场;潜艇厂(Sub Pens)则以一处被炸毁的潜艇制造厂为场景.

3. 锈,腐蚀:然而在1990年到1997年期间,由于输油管线生锈腐蚀(corrosion),频频发生石油泄漏(spills)事故,特别是在偏远乡村地区. 政府接到大量投诉,指责科赫公司放任300多万加仑的原油和石油产品非法泄漏到临近水塘、湖泊、溪流或海岸.

4. corrosion的近义词

4. 腐蚀,侵蚀:correlogram 相关图 | corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀 | corrosion electrode 腐蚀电极

  • 经典引文

  • Peevishness..wears out happiness by slow corrosion.

As the unit is surrounded by water, corrosion and maintenance are important issues to consider.(由于公寓单位四面环水,腐蚀及维修便成为需要考虑的重要问题。)
Even E10 can cause corrosion.(甚至连E10也会导致生锈。)
Use of VCI Paper (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) / VPI (Vapor Phase(使用VCI纸(侵蚀抑制剂)和VPI(蒸汽抑制剂))
This process produces corrosion of metals.(这一过程造成金属的腐蚀。)
They resist wear and corrosion and they have useful magnetic properties.(它们耐磨、耐腐蚀并且有着实用的磁性。)
All of these, like gold, are noble metals, meaning that they are resistant to corrosion.(所有的这些元素,像黄金,都是贵金属,这意味着它们能抗腐蚀。)
In 2006 corrosion in its pipelines led to a sizeable spill on Alaska's North Slope.(2006年,几根输油管道锈蚀引发了阿拉斯加北坡的一次大规模的漏油。)
It has hired three experts on corrosion to assess whether it is monitoring and maintaining its pipelines properly.(BP聘请了三位化学腐蚀方面的专家对公司管道维护和维护的工作进行评估。)
Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion.(锌被用来保护其他金属免受腐蚀。)
Do not do this as this might cause breakage, deformation and corrosion of the chain.(不这样做,因为这可能会导致破损,变形和腐蚀这个链条。)
corrosion是什么意思 corrosion在线翻译 corrosion什么意思 corrosion的意思 corrosion的翻译 corrosion的解释 corrosion的发音 corrosion的同义词