英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:53:52



英 [ˈkrəʊʃeɪ]

美 [kroʊˈʃeɪ]



过去式: crocheted 过去分词: crocheted 现在分词: crocheting 第三人称单数: crochets

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1. needlework done by interlocking looped stitches with a hooked needle

Synonym: crocheting


1. make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle

e.g. She sat there crocheting all day

Synonym: hook

2. create by looping or crocheting

e.g. crochet a bedspread

1. 钩针编织
Crochet is a way of making cloth out of cotton or wool by using a needle with a small hook at the end.


e.g. ...a black crochet waistcoat.

2. 用钩针编织
If you crochet, you make cloth by using a needle with a small hook at the end.


e.g. She offered to teach me to crochet...
e.g. Ma and I crocheted new quilts.

1. 钩针:山东阳信华瑞家纺公司是生产出口抽纱工艺产品的专业企业. 生产经验,设备齐全,具备花稿设计和出口货物的全工序生产能力. 主要产品有:全钩针(Crochet)系列、手绣

2. 趾钩:这种腹足是肉质的,并不分节,可以伸缩,尖端平板状排列着,许多趾钩(crochet),附着于步行面. 最后(腹部第10节)的腹足特别粗壮而有力,形状亦与其他的不同,故称臀足(clasper)以资区别. 甲壳纲则每个体节原则上有1对腹足成为扁平、叶状、两叉型的游泳足,

3. 钩编编织物:Crewel work 绒线刺绣 | Crochet 钩编编织物 | Dacron, terylene 的确良

To crochet, you use one crochet hook, but for knitting you use two knitting needles.(为了钩针,你使用一个钩针,然而为了编织,你使用两个编织针。)
We have a very wide selection of hand crochet articles.(你能拿些手钩针编织品给我看看吗。)
If you have done cross stitch, it is a bit easier to understand some crochet designs.(如果你做了十字绣,这是一点容易理解一些钩针设计。)
I ve done art my whole life, so crochet was a fun thing I sort of taught myself.(我一生都在搞艺术创作,教自己编织很有意思。)
Different sized crochet hooks are labeled with letters. Knitting needles have Numbers.(不同尺寸的钩针是用字母标记。织针有数字。)
I would like the pattern of the Lord's Supper in fillet crochet.(我想模式的主的晚餐,在圆角钩针。)
She is good at crochet.(她擅长钩针编织。)
If your colorist pulls out a crochet hook and a plastic cap, reschedule with someone else.(如果你的用色师抽离一个编织夹子和塑料瓶盖,其他人要重定时间表。)
The initial chain crochet stitch is the basis for all other crochet stitches.(最初链钩针针是所有其他钩针针基础。)
Maybe THAT'S why I can't crochet !(也许这就是为什么我不能用钩针编织!)
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