英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 15:32:15



英 [ˈkju:bɪkl]

美 [ˈkjubɪkəl]



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1. small area set off by walls for special use

Synonym: boothstallkiosk

2. small individual study area in a library

Synonym: carrelcarrellstall

3. small room in which a monk or nun lives

Synonym: cell

1. (用作淋浴间或换衣间等的)小房间,隔间
A cubicle is a very small enclosed area, for example one where you can have a shower or change your clothes.

e.g. ...a separate shower cubicle...
e.g. He made his way to the nearest toilet and locked himself in a cubicle.

1. cubicle的翻译

1. 小室:(一)微环境(microenvironment)与大环境(macroenvironment)某些为降低空气传染病原传播与扩散之机会而开发的特殊之饲育盒及换气设备,如具滤网罩(filter cap)之饲育盒、隔离饲育箱(isolator)、小室(cubicle)及独立通气饲育盒(indi

2. 室,箱:Console:控制台 | cubicle室,箱 | audit 审计

3. 房;小间:crystal oscillator 晶体振荡器 | cubicle 房;小间 | cul-de-sac 尽头路;死巷

While lowering cubicle walls one way of addressing this, layout is another.(要解决这个问题,降低隔断高度是一个办法,另一个办法是改变布局。)
A disorganized cubicle can reflect poorly on the employee's level of professionalism.(杂乱无章的隔间会让员工的专业程度大打折扣。)
They appeared full, but no, there was one empty cubicle.(看上去已经满员的厕所里还有一个空档位。)
“Oh, all right, ” Rimney says, then goes into my cubicle and calls Odors.(“哦,那好吧,”里穆尼说,然后走进我的隔段里,给气味处打了个电话。)
It isn't as if someone who works in a cubicle is automatically uninteresting.(并不是说在小隔间里工作的人一定是无趣的人。)
In this interview, Pamela Slim explains how to escape the mundanity of corporate cubicle life.(在这个面谈中,PamelaSlim解释了如何逃脱公司格子间生活的索然无味。)
Mike : Back to my cubicle.(迈克:拿到我的办公隔间去。)
More than likely, you'll be stuck in a cubicle, working to pay off your debt.(更可能的是,你会不得不待在小方格子里拼命工作以还清欠款。)
Dave: You don't have to yell, Zina. I'm just one 1 cubicle away.(戴夫:你不必用喊的,吉娜。我才离你一个隔间而已。)
It's common to have a "cubicle mate" or special confidant in a work setting.(在工作环境中,有一个“格子间伙伴”或特殊的知己是很常见的。)
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