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更新时间:2024-06-03 15:36:31



英 [ˈsaɪprəs]

美 [ˈsaɪprɪs]



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1. any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones

Synonym: cypress tree

2. wood of any of various cypress trees especially of the genus Cupressus

1. 柏树
A cypress is a type of conifer .


1. 柏树:自制香薰润肤乳 一般肌肤 普通乳液750毫升+天竺精华油6滴+茉莉精华油3滴+薰衣草精华油16滴 干性肌肤 普通乳液750毫升+檀香木精华油14滴+玫瑰精华油4滴+薰衣草精华油7滴 油性肌肤 普通乳液750毫升+佛手柑精华油12滴+柏树(Cypress)精华油8滴+橘子(

2. 丝柏:量 ¥110YDS-120 丝柏(Cypress) 舒缓愤怒情绪、净化心灵 改善成熟缺水肌肤 利尿、蜂窝组织炎、静脉曲张 痛经、怀孕期间避免使用 ¥110YDS-121 茴香(Fennel) 让疲劳的心灵重现生机 针对各类皮肤病 催情、通经、利消化、利心脏 孕期忌用,

3. 柏木:俗称黄榆)、山核桃(Pecan,纹理类似黑胡桃,密度一样,成本更低)、枫香木(Sap Gum,可代替桦木)、美国梧桐木(Sycamore,可代替欧榉,成本更低)、榆木(Elm)、椴木(Basswood)、柳木(Willow) 南方松(Pine)、柏木(Cypress)等,且所有木种都可

4. 丝柏精油:丝柏精油(Cypress)简述:对所有过度现象均有帮助,特别是收敛、止血、多汗、流行感冒风湿痛、浮肿等. 调理油腻、老化肌肤,促进结疤、瘦身,保湿度极佳. 消除疲劳,舒缓愤怒情绪,舒解内心紧张及压力,净化心灵.

  • 经典引文

  • An admonishing finger of black cypress against the sky.

    出自:G. Durrell
The cypress-trees were like burnt-out torches. From one of them a nightingale was singing.(柏木则如同燃尽了的火炬,一只夜莺在上头歌唱。)
Wide variety of Christmas tree, a natural cypress trees, artificial Christmas trees and white Christmas tree.(圣诞树的种类繁多,有天然松柏圣诞树、也有人造圣诞树及白色圣诞树。)
The pine and the cypress remain green all the year round.(苍松翠柏,常绿不凋。)
There are abundance wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar, spruce etc.(山中野生植物资源丰富,盛产云杉、柏、杨等木材。)
The side lighting provided by the newly risen sun created mysterious shadows behind the stand of riverside cypress.(刚刚出山的太阳的侧向照明构成了挺立在河畔的柏树后面的神秘阴影。)
Under the ginkgo and cypress trees, they meditated, chanted and pored over ancient texts.(他们在银杏树和柏树下打坐、念经,潜心研读古老的经文。)
Sun Power, the solar subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor, is now worth almost as much as its chipmaking parent company.(柏树半导体公司(CypressSemiconductor)的太阳能分公司太阳力量(SunPower)的价值已经与其从事芯片制造的母公司不相上下了。)
Look at the cypress.(看这棵柏树。)
I stand on the parents and next to the old cypress.(我和父母就站在老柏树的旁边。)
The Whistler and Cypress Creek venues have been dealing with a lack of snow and warm temperatures.(惠斯勒和柏树山比赛场地一直受到缺雪和温暖气候的干扰。)
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