英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 15:35:37



英 [ˌdi:fɔ:ˈmeɪʃn]

美 [ˌdi:fɔ:rˈmeɪʃn]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 变丑
  • 畸形
  • 残废
  • 变形
  • 毁坏
  • 变坏
  • 形状损坏
  • 畸变
  • 翘曲
  • 变态
  • 变形性
  • 损形
  • 破相
  • 改丑
  • 形状损毁
  • 变形



1. the act of twisting or deforming the shape of something (e.g., yourself)

Synonym: contortion

2. alteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it

3. a change for the worse

Synonym: distortion

1. deformation什么意思

1. 形变:这不见得是真实的物理表现,可是一般人却期待在动画中看到这种夸张的表现,压扁拉长,尽量夸大角色身体变形的程度,来达到动作上的张力与效果(喜感,惊讶感...)对应到现在的3D动画软件中,皆有提供形变(Deformation)的功能,从最基本的scale到不等比缩放,

2. 变形量:所谓应变,简单地说,就是指单位长度的变形量(deformation). 如果结构体因为某种特殊的因素而产生极其特殊的变形(诸如受到怪异气流的侵袭),一旦超过了所能忍受的最大限度,则可能会造成结构体的破坏,酿成无法想像的悲剧;同时,

  • 经典引文

  • The deformations and disgraces of time.

    出自:I. Watts
If you make the amplitude too large, then you get permanent deformation of the spring.(如果振幅过大,会让弹簧,永久损伤。)
Most solids, if pulled or twisted, will give a little in a process known as elastic deformation.(大多固体,一经拉伸或弯曲,都会出现弹性变形这一过程。)
There are a couple of factors that affect the amount of deformation that takes place or the speed of the glacier's movement for example.(例如有几个影响着冰川变形的量和冰川移动速度的因素。)
Rotational deformation of the shaft will produce maximum deflection.(转动的泵轴会弯曲变形,产生最大挠度。)
Outside the strip zone, deformation is elastic.(在窄带区以外,变形是弹性的。)
The next type of movement we will talk about is called: deformation.(我们要讨论的下一种运动叫做变形。)
I am so not true deformation.(我非常不正确的变形。)
B: it occurs when a component reaches its limit for deformation.(B:当一个部件达到了变形的极限时,就会发生断裂。)
Permanent deformation has already occurred, and so we're now something like six centimeters.(永久变形,已经发生了,大概是,6厘米左右。)
The synsedimentary deformation structures are common in eolian dunes, such as brecciated foresets, drag folds and overturned folds.(风成沙丘普遍存在角砾前积、拖曳褶皱和倒转褶皱等同沉积变形构造。)
deformation是什么意思 deformation在线翻译 deformation什么意思 deformation的意思 deformation的翻译 deformation的解释 deformation的发音 deformation的同义词