英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 15:50:27



英 [ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃn]

美 [ˌdɛprəˈveʃən]



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1. act of depriving someone of food or money or rights

e.g. nutritional privation
deprivation of civil rights

Synonym: privation

2. the disadvantage that results from losing something

e.g. his loss of credibility led to his resignation
losing him is no great deprivation

Synonym: loss

3. a state of extreme poverty

Synonym: privationwantneediness

1. 剥夺;丧失;贫困;匮乏
If you suffer deprivation, you do not have or are prevented from having something that you want or need.

e.g. ...long-term patients who face a life of deprivation...
e.g. Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.

1. 剥夺:马斯洛强调,并非所有的受挫都是威胁性的,实际上,剥夺 (deprivation)既有正面影响,也有负面影响. 马斯洛还讨论了威胁性和非威胁性的冲突,同时还指出,某些冲突也有其正面的影响.

2. 除去,丧失:depression 脱阻抑;压抑 | deprivation 除去,丧失 | deprived 除去的,丧失的

3. 匮乏:deprivation 剥夺 | deprivation 匮乏 | deprivation effects 剥夺效应剥夺效应

4. 夺去:depressurizingsystem 降压系统 | deprivation 夺去 | depropagationmodel 反传播模型

Solitary confinement does not involve any direct physical deprivation.(单独监禁不涉及任何直接的物质剥夺。)
The probability that actual remains of soft tissue will be preserved is improved if the organism dies in an environment of rapid deposition and oxygen deprivation.(如果生物体死于一个快速沉积和缺氧的环境,那么软组织残骸实际保存下来的可能性会提高。)
Material deprivation is not decisive either;(物质匮乏也不是决定性的因素;)
How do you handle sleep deprivation?(你是如何对付睡眠不足的呢?)
Or sleep deprivation could mask the positive cognitive effects.(或者睡眠不足可能也会掩盖积极的认知效果。)
They had withstood siege, hunger and deprivation.(他们经受了围困、饥饿和贫穷。)
That suggests that catch-up sleep may undo some but not all of the damage that sleep deprivation causes, which is encouraging, given how many adults don't get the hours they need each night.(这表明补觉可以抵消部分但不是全部睡眠不足造成的损害,这是令人鼓舞的,因为有很多成年人没有得到他们每晚所需的睡眠时间。)
Get plenty of sleep. Sleep deprivation zaps memory.(睡眠充足。缺乏睡眠会搞坏记忆。)
Short term sleep deprivation can be quickly remedied with adequate rest.(短期的睡眠缺乏,可以通过足够的休息来弥补。)
For most of us, sleep deprivation? Is a myth.(对绝大多数人来说,睡眠的剥夺只能算是个神话。)
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