英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 15:48:55



英 [daɪ'ɡreʃn]

美 [daɪ'ɡreʃn]


形容词: digressional

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. wandering from the main path of a journey

Synonym: excursion

2. a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)

e.g. a diversion from the main highway
a digression into irrelevant details
a deflection from his goal

Synonym: diversiondeviationdeflectiondeflexiondivagation

3. a message that departs from the main subject

Synonym: asideexcursusdivagationparenthesis


1. 枝蔓:Diffusion 扩散 | Digression 枝蔓 | Dilthey 狄尔泰

2. 离题,枝节话:regress 退回,后退,逆行; 回归 | digression 离题,枝节话 | perhaps 也许,可能,多半

3. 离角,极方位距,天文:座标读取头 digitizing head | 离角,极方位距,天文 digression | 两面角 dihedral angle

  • 经典引文

  • I was speaking, then, before that last digression, about the rheumy frustrations and resentments that afflicted me.

    出自:D. Jacobson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Transferring the September 11th attacks to Argentina is one example; a digression on pandas is another.(9月11日攻击转移到阿根廷是一个例子;谈到大熊猫时离题又是一例。)
I digressed off of my digression.(我过我的题外话题外话。)
Digression: the views of the Fed and its critics may be converging.(插一句:一些评论家与美联储的观点有分歧。)
The wreck was caused by the digression of the two ships.(这次遇难事件是由两只轮船的脱离航道引起的。)
If you'll allow a slight digression,...(请允许我说几句题外话…收藏。)
They are a little impatient at her digression.(他们对她离题的话显得有点不耐烦。)
Think of this chapter a relatively brief but important digression.(本章是一个相对简短却同样重要的章节。)
"Please pardon my digression," said Mary. "I didn't mean to diminish the importance of our conversation."(“请原谅我离题了,”玛丽说,“我并不想贬低我们谈话的重要性。”)
It should be made clear that although brainstorming is acceptable, digression into irrelevant territory is entirely unwelcome.(尽管头脑风暴法是可取的,但是,必须明确,偏离正题进行不相干的讨论是完全不受欢迎的。)
"People don't want to search; it's a digression," he said.(“人们不想搜索;这是一个题外话,”他说。)
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