英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 16:01:06


英 [dɪsˈɑ:mɪŋ]

美 [dɪsˈɑ:rmɪŋ]


副词: disarmingly

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1. act of reducing or depriving of arms

e.g. the disarmament of the aggressor nations must be complete

Synonym: disarmament



1. capable of allaying hostility

1. 使人消气的;消除敌意的;使人消除戒心的
If someone or something is disarming, they make you feel less angry or hostile.

e.g. Leonard approached with a disarming smile...
e.g. When you meet him, he is disarming as he talks about himself.

He is, as ever, businesslike, and disarmingly honest...
She looked at him directly and occasionally smiled disarmingly at him.

1. 使敌人在战斗中有一定的几率失去装备:CONSTITUTION:增加生命及生命回复速度 | DISARMING:使敌人在战斗中有一定的几率失去装备 | DUAL WIELDING:允许双手持两件单手武器作战,并提高攻击速度和伤害力

2. 消除敌意:disapprobation 非难 | disarming 消除敌意 | disassimilation 异化作用

3. disarming的近义词

3. 使消除的:disarmament 裁军 | disarming 使消除的 | disarrange 打乱

4. 撤防:Dew Point Temperature 露点温度 | Disarming 撤防 | Door Contact 门磁

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There are too many guns about, and the disarming of the police should be a natural aspect of the disarming of the entire citizenry.(社会上的枪太多了,解除警察的武装应该是解除全体公民武装的一个自然组成部分。)
But she mixed hard talk with a disarming air of compassion.(不过她的语气中也夹杂着一种同情。)
A moment later he wondered how Lucy had got past his guard, when he had thought he was disarming her.(过了一会,他想,在他自以为正在征服露西的时候,她怎么会使他失去警惕的呢。)
Leonard approached with a disarming smile.(伦纳德带着令人消除怒气的微笑走近了。)
Disarming the LRA today would mean sweeping thousands of miles of dense jungle with metal detectors.(如今,要将圣主抵抗军完全缴械,就必须用金属探测器清扫数千英里的厚密丛林。)
He may have no intention of disarming himself, only of provoking division among the other five across the table.(他并没有接触核武装的意图,仅仅是采用分化谈判桌上的其他五个国家的策略。)
Your work is warm, disarming and full of charm.(你的作品很生动,自然而富有吸引力。)
Two, I used my humor in such a disarming way that all the tension in conversations was gone.(第二,我把幽默运用在了使人放松上从而消除了交谈中的紧张感。)
They outlined their aims with disarming frankness.(他们友好坦诚地简述了他们的宗旨。)
It can get funny, disarming, energetic, loud, and hysterical.(它能变得滑稽有趣、充满活力、高调响亮、歇斯底里,它还能缓消敌意。)
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