英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 15:55:53



英 [ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn]

美 [ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]



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  • 论文
  • 学术演讲
  • 学位论文
  • 论述
  • 学术讲演
  • 专题论文
  • [C]专题论文,学位论文 a long usually written treatment of a subject,especially one written for a higher university degree


1. a treatise advancing a new point of view resulting from research
usually a requirement for an advanced academic degree

Synonym: thesis

1. 专题论文;(尤指)学位论文
A dissertation is a long formal piece of writing on a particular subject, especially for a university degree.


e.g. He is currently writing a dissertation on the Somali civil war.

1. 论文:学生或教授关于一个课题的研究(course research),调查报告(survey),论文(dissertation),和学习方法(learning methods)的讨论在英国生活过一段时间的学生都熟悉在学校外面租房子涉及的金钱方面包括:订金(deposit),


2. 博士论文:修得硕士学位后得进入博士班 (Doktoratstudium),撰写博士论文 (Dissertation) 通过答辩后依学术分类授予不同的博士学位 (Doctor). 奥地利学制严谨,原则上,攻读博士领域须与先前所修硕士同一类别.

3. 学位论文:学位论文 学位论文(dissertation)是作者为获得某种学位而撰写的科学论文. 硕士博士论文具有较高的参考价值. 其特点:1.般偏重于理论. 2. 附有大量的参考文献. 3. 借此可以看出有关专题的发展过程和方向. 4. 学位论文一般不出版发行,

  • 常用例句

  • The teacher taught us how to write a dissertation on a subject.
Now let me make a few comments about Rothbard's dissertation.(现在,让我们评价一下罗斯巴德的博士论文。)
Encryption that allows privacy and access to co-exist earns top dissertation award.(将隐私保护和隐私访问集于一身的密码学赢得了顶级学术嘉奖。)
But in 1972 his dissertation for a PhD in computer science was rejected.(1972年,他攻读计算机科学博士学位的博士论文却没有通过。)
Erich Gamma laid the foundation for software design patterns with his PhD dissertation in the early '90s.(ErichGamma在90年代初期他的博士论文中提出了软件设计模式的基础。)
He never did complete a graduate degree, however, stopping short of his dissertation.(他没有研究生学位,但是仅是没有完成论文。)
The dissertation makes the durability evaluation to the pipeline system of the watering cart.(本文对洒水车的管道系统进行了耐久性评估。)
I'm working my notes up into a dissertation.(我正在把我的笔记整理成一篇论文。)
Now I take it the dissertation can be read without knowing that, and the science is fine.(我认为我们在读他的论文是,在不知道他信仰时,他研究的科学并无不妥。)
The only thing keeping most of them here is that they haven't defended their dissertation yet.(唯一能使大部分人留下来的原因是他们还没有进行论文答辩。)
I'm having some problems getting started on my dissertation and I was hoping you could give me some advice on how to begin.(我在开始写论文时遇到了一些问题,我希望你能给我一些如何开始的建议。)
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