英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 16:04:10



英 [ˈdɒsieɪ]

美 [ˈdɔ:sieɪ]



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1. a collection of papers containing detailed information about a particular person or subject (usually a person's record)

1. 档案;卷宗;资料汇编
A dossier is a collection of papers containing information on a particular event, or on a person such as a criminal or a spy.


e.g. The company is compiling a dossier of evidence to back its allegations...
e.g. The government kept dossiers on thousands of its citizens.


1. 档案:学校筛选学生的方式有:会考(CONCOURS)、面试 (ENTRETIEN)、档案(DOSSIER)几种. 其中会考的淘汰率最高,递交档案材料的方式对法语不好的外国学生最为有利. 但是,无论筛选录取是哪种方式,每个学校都会在报名的人中选择最优秀的学生.

2. 资料:北京美迪威(Medwell) 翻译是国家正式注册成立的多语种翻译公司, 汇聚全国知名大学研究院所(包括协和,北医和中科院) 的研究博士生, 为您提供论文(paper) , 摘要(abstract) 和注册(registration) 资料(dossier) 翻译服务.

3. 病历夹,病历表册:dosing pump 计量泵,定量泵 | dossier 病历夹,病历表册 | dot 小点,圆点

4. 病历表册:dosage 剂量 | dossier 病历表册 | DOT 职业分类典

  • 经典引文

  • Fred's dossier in the law firm's confidential files.

    出自:K. Vonnegut
All that will be contained in the unique genetic dossier and the whole edition will be formed by collection of genetic dossiers.(这都包含在独特的遗传卷宗,所有版本都会通过遗传卷宗,来收集形成。)
Chang pointed to a row of file cabinets file dossier said.(张毅指着文件柜里的一排档案卷宗说。)
You can argue that the dossier was going to get out there anyway.(你可能会反驳说,那个卷宗终究是要曝光的。)
Results of such investigations should be provided within the dossier.(该研究的结果应在申报资料中提交。)
Using subgrade and roadbed as case, the paper discusses the follow-up value of engineering dossier.(以地基、路基施工过程记录为例,探讨工程建设归档资料的后续价值。)
"It would probably take a full day to compile a decent dossier on you," he says, while a unique name takes just a few minutes.(“这可能会花一整天的时间才能汇编出一份你的像样的档案,”他说,而一个独特的名称只需花费几分钟。)
When you decide on a referral, you will need to compile your dossier.(当你决定推荐,您需要将您的编译案卷。)
AND if he didn't like you, he could fire you AND keep an FBI dossier on you.(如果他不喜欢你,会就会把你解雇掉,并且给你建立一份FBI档案。)
According to the British dossier, Dr Taha played a central role in Iraq's weapons programme.(英国的卷宗表明,塔哈在伊拉克的武器计划中占据着核心地位。)
The many sides of George Blake Esq. ; : The complete dossier.(乔治布莱克,彼岸的诸多方面;:完整的档案。)
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