英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:39:55


英 [ˈdrɪpɪŋ]

美 [ˈdrɪpɪŋ]




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1. the sound of a liquid falling drop by drop

e.g. the constant sound of dripping irritated him

Synonym: drip

2. a liquid (as water) that flows in drops (as from the eaves of house)

Synonym: drippage



1. extremely wet

e.g. dripping wet
soaking wet

Synonym: soakingsopping

1. (烤肉时滴下的)油滴
Dripping is the fat which comes out of meat when it is fried or roasted, and which can be used for frying food.


2. 湿淋淋的;湿透的
If you are dripping wet, you are so wet that water is dripping from you.

e.g. We were dripping wet from the spray.

3. see also: drip

1. 滴下:drippan 滴盘 | dripping 滴下 | driveline 驱动管路

2. dripping的翻译

2. 滴:drippage 滴落 | dripping 滴 | dripple 快速滴落

3. 滴下;滴下的水声;滴下的液体;滴水的;湿淋淋的:dripper 出油少的井 | dripping 滴下;滴下的水声;滴下的液体;滴水的;湿淋淋的 | DRIR 直接发送红外辐射仪

4. 垂脂:driplubricator 滴油润滑器 | dripping 垂脂 | driptray 积油盘

Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!(小心点,你把颜料滴得到处都是。)
Lou was dripping with perspiration.(卢汗流浃背。)
Rain pattered gently outside, dripping onto the roof from the pines.(雨在外面沙沙地下着,从松树上滴落在房顶上。)
He looked round, and saw that the cart was dripping, and the cask quite empty.(他向四周看了看,发现马车在滴水,桶里空无一人。)
They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs.(他们被布满钻石和毛皮的橱窗展示弄得眼花缭乱。)
The tap is off, but it is still dripping water.(水龙头关上了,但仍然滴水。)
Her face was dripping with sweat.(她脸上汗水淋淋。)
Her hair was still dripping wet.(她的头发仍然湿淋淋的。)
Sweat was dripping from his face.(汗水从他脸上滴下来。)
Sweat was dripping from her neck.(汗水从她脖子上滴下来。)
dripping是什么意思 dripping在线翻译 dripping什么意思 dripping的意思 dripping的翻译 dripping的解释 dripping的发音 dripping的同义词