英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:40:56


英 [ˈdrɒpɪŋz]

美 [ˈdrɑ:pɪŋz]


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1. fecal matter of animals

Synonym: dungmuck

1. (鸟、小动物的)粪便
Droppings are the faeces of birds and small animals.

e.g. ...pigeon droppings.

1. 廢棉,落棉:放置停经片;穿停经片 dropper pinning | 废棉,落棉 droppings | 地毯罩布;印花地毯 drugget

2. 滴下物:droppingresistor 降压电阻 | droppings 滴下物 | droppingshed 产羔羊舍

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Get closer still and you'll hear a soft drizzle: the steady stream of locust droppings falling to the ground.(再走近一些,你便会听到轻微的下雨声:蝗虫的粪便在不断地落到地上。)
A new study suggests the Inca civilisation in the Peruvian Andes may have owed part of its success to llama droppings.(一项新研究显示,秘鲁安第斯山印加文明部分应该归功于骆驼粪便。)
When they return home, their droppings end up all around their nesting sites, including in nearby ponds.(当它们返回家园时,它们的排泄物会分散在巢穴周围,包括附近的池塘里。)
"A seagull droppings fell into my eye", replied the pirate.(“海鸥的粪掉到我的眼睛里。”海盗回答。)
There’s nothing up there but bird droppings and a Nixon-era plastic Santa with a peace sign scratched into his toy bag.(那里除了鸟粪和一个尼克松时代的、别着和平标志的塑料圣诞老人之外,再没有什么东西了。)
Experts say wild civets are the most discerning, but their droppings are also the most difficult to harvest.(专家说野生的麝香猫对咖啡豆的辨识能力最佳,但是他们的便便也同样相当难收集。)
Avoid touching live poultry or their droppings because they may carry the avian influenza virus.(活家禽或其粪便中可能带有禽流感病毒,应避免接触。)
That's to remove any of the bugs, dirt, dust, bird droppings, anything you get on it.(这会去除所有的虫子、泥土、尘土、鸟粪以及上面粘着的所有其他东西。)
He has spent a good part of his life collecting bird droppings and testing them for signs of influenza.(他花费了他一生中的很大一部分时间收集和研究鸟粪来寻找禽流感的标本。)
In the distant past, large herbivores like mastodons dispersed maclura seeds, each the size of an orange in their droppings.(在遥远的过去,像乳齿象这样的大型食草动物播撒着桑橙属植物的种子,在它们的粪便中,每个种子都像橙子那么大。)
droppings是什么意思 droppings在线翻译 droppings什么意思 droppings的意思 droppings的翻译 droppings的解释 droppings的发音 droppings的同义词