英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:41:10


英 [drʌb]

美 [drʌb]


名词: drubber 过去式: drubbed 过去分词: drubbed 现在分词: drubbing 第三人称单数: drubs

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight

e.g. We licked the other team on Sunday!

Synonym: creambatclobberthrashlick

1. drub

1. 打击:drowsy 昏昏欲睡的 | drub 打击 | drubbing 殴打

2. 打击,连续敲击:Parched 烤干的,炙热的 | Drub 打击,连续敲击 | Verdant 翠绿的,没有经验的


3. 敲击:rub 摩擦 | drub 敲击 | rug 地毯

4. 棒打;强迫灌注:drizzle#下细雨 | drub#棒打;强迫灌注 | edify#陶冶;教化

  • 经典引文

  • He drubbed and belaboured his servants every day.

    出自:W. Besant
  • We must drub the enemy and drub him soundly.

    出自:S. Kingsley
  • It was no contest last night as the Islanders drubbed the Habs, 7s0.

    出自:Toronto Star
These queued pint jobs are being sent or will be sent to network printers to print out, which could drub the network speed badly.(这些排队等候打印的作业正在或将要被送往网络打印服务器去打印,这可能对网速造成极大影响。)
You cannot drub this idea into him.(你不能强迫他接受此观念。)
drub是什么意思 drub在线翻译 drub什么意思 drub的意思 drub的翻译 drub的解释 drub的发音 drub的同义词