英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 16:42:15



英 [djuˈet]

美 [duˈet]




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  • 二重奏
  • 二重唱
  • 二重唱曲
  • 二重奏曲
  • 二重唱者
  • 二重唱的表演者
  • 演奏二重奏或二重唱


1. (ballet) a dance for two people (usually a ballerina and a danseur noble)

Synonym: pas de deux

2. a musical composition for two performers

Synonym: duetteduo

3. a pair who associate with one another

e.g. the engaged couple
an inseparable twosome

Synonym: coupletwosomeduo

4. two performers or singers who perform together

Synonym: duetteduo

5. two items of the same kind

Synonym: couplepairtwosometwainbracespanyokecoupletdistichduodyadduad

1. 二重唱;二重奏
A duet is a piece of music sung or played by two people.


1. 二重唱:他认为传统歌剧里的咏叹调 (Aria) 、二重唱 (Duet) 、合唱 (Ensemble)、大合唱 (Chorus) 和舞蹈 (Ballet)等安排并不可取. 他更曾公开指责歌手在唱罢每首乐曲后都欣然接受观众掌声的惯例,认为这样的个人崇拜令歌剧的情绪和戏剧发展失去连贯性.

2. 二重唱(奏):根据演唱或演奏人数,可以分为独奏/独唱(solo)、二重唱/奏(duet)、三重唱/奏(trio)、四重唱/奏(quartet)、五重唱/奏(quintet)等等. 从时间上来分有古典音乐(classical music)和现代音乐(modern music).

3. 对唱:黑人歌星 Nat King Cole (纳京高) 的一首著名爵士歌曲 Unforgettable (永志难忘),其女儿 Natalie Cole (娜塔莉高) 曾于 1991 年,借助现代录音科技,重新灌录此曲,使其成为父女对唱 (duet) 的情歌.

  • 经典引文

  • The conversation became a duet between the Hollies and Terry.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

A long marriage is two people trying to dance a duet and two solos at the same time.(一个长久的婚姻是两个人尝试跳舞表演了合唱和独唱在两个时间相同。)
Denis paid tribute to Fuller with the duet Valse à la Loie.(丹尼斯赞扬了富勒在ValseàlaLoie里的二重唱。)
Tonight she sings a duet with first husband Maurice Gibb.(今晚她与第一任丈夫莫里斯∙吉布表演了二重唱。)
Dare you climb my window singing apprehension, I'll tell you duet dolly song.(你敢爬我家窗户唱忐忑、我就跟你对唱甩葱歌。)
As simple examples, think of two people waltzing, or playing a piano duet.(举个简单的例子,想想两个人跳华尔兹,或者弹钢琴二重唱。)
Jackson even threw in a little something for the parents, a duet with Paul McCartney.(杰克逊甚至在音乐里写进了一些关于父母的内容,和保罗·麦卡特尼来了一出二重唱。)
We had a duet to sing together.(我们有个二重唱。)
The famous star and his partner will give duet at the concert.(这位著名的歌星和他的合作者将在音乐会上表演二重唱。)
Right, but the "horse racing" played through an Erhu is no less impressive. Let's enjoy an Erhu duet.(孙:没错,当然用二胡演奏出的赛马却更胜一筹,下面让我们一起欣赏二胡双人奏。)
Piano art as one of performance art, contains piano solo, duet and accompaniment.(作为表演艺术的一个门类,钢琴艺术包括钢琴独奏、重奏、伴奏三种表演形式。)
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