英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 16:08:38



英 [ˈdʌndʒən]

美 [ˈdʌndʒən]



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1. a dark cell (usually underground) where prisoners can be confined

2. the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress

Synonym: keepdonjon

1. (城堡中的)地牢,土牢
A dungeon is a dark underground prison in a castle.

1. 地窖:是英国城堡中有人居住时间最久的城堡. 因为这里仍是麦李奥传人的家,所以城堡内部除了传统的木制家俱之外,也有一些厅堂设计得非常现代化. 不过,城堡中最有趣的两个景点一是一面神奇的旗子(Fairy Flag),二是堡里的地窖(Dungeon).


2. (监牢):进去后再到最后的监牢(dungeon)拿取雕像组件(statuepart). 由于无法打开监笼,琼斯只好先到其他地方找看有无方法救出苏菲亚. 跳入水中再坐上乘筏,将金珠放入螃蟹乘筏的口中,便可以启动乘筏. 首先向左划,依次用日石、月石开启栅门,

  • 经典引文

  • Dungeons..had been converted into cellars for his wines.

    出自:A. Carter
  • Palissy..confined within the dungeon of his own breast, those feelings of bitterness.

So they drew up Jeremiah with cords, and took him up out of the dungeon: and Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison.(这样,他们用绳子将耶利米从牢狱里拉上来。耶利米仍在护卫兵的院中。)
Megan shall be thrown into the dungeon of darkness.(梅金将被丢进暗无天日的地牢。)
I was rescued from the dungeon by someone who begged King Zedekiah to put me out of jail.(要不是有人在西底家的面前替我求情,我现在还在地牢里呆着呢。)
We added an Endless dungeon game mode where you keep descending deeper and deeper into a neverending dungeon with challenges along the way.(我们增加了一个无尽的迷宫游戏模式让你降更深的一个永无止境的地牢前进道路上的挑战。)
The 42-year-old Austrian woman was discovered in 2008 after being held captive by her father for 24 years in a dark, subterranean dungeon.(这个42岁的奥地利女人被她的亲生父亲囚禁在黑暗隐蔽的地牢里长达24年,直到2008年才被人发现。)
When the king saw him, he fell into a passion, and ordered him to be cast into the deepest dungeon.(国王一见他,勃然大怒,下令把他关进最深地牢里。)
You could, for example, send a message from inside a StarCraft II ladder match to a friend running a Heroic dungeon in World of Warcraft!(例如,你可以在星际争霸2的天梯比赛中发送一个信息给在魔兽世界下英雄副本的好友!)
There must be something like a trapdoor in the dungeon.(地牢里一定会有活板门之类的东西。)
Ernest Gary Gygax, a dungeon master, died on March 4th, aged 69.(地下城城主欧内斯特·加里·吉盖克斯于三月四日去世,享年69岁。)
When the scarf was taken off, the Star-Child found himself in a dungeon, which was lit by a lantern of horn.(当头巾被取下来时,星孩发现自己在一个地牢里,一盏牛角灯照亮着地牢。)
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