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更新时间:2024-05-13 16:13:04



英 [ˈeksɪmə]

美 [ɪgˈzi:mə]


形容词: eczematous

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1. generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin
particularly with vesiculation in the acute stages

1. 湿疹
Eczema is a skin disease which makes your skin itch and become sore, rough, and broken.

1. 疹:湿疹(ECZEMA) 湿疹(ECZEMA)[转贴]湿疹是皮肤过敏的一种状态. 孩子最

2. 湿气:专业人士评点:湿气是归属一种肉皮儿过敏征象 啥子是湿气 湿气(eczema)是一种常见的由多种表里因素导致的皮面及真皮浅层的炎症性皮炎.其独特之处为自发 剧烈发痒,皮损多形性,对于称漫衍,有渗出偏向,慢花柳病程,


3. 湿疹AJy中国英语学习网:diphtheria 白喉AJy中国英语学习网 | eczema 湿疹AJy中国英语学习网 | epilepsy 癫痫AJy中国英语学习网

About 16 in 100 children in the UK have eczema.(在英国大约在100名儿童中就有16个患湿疹。)
Herbal remedies are remarkably successful in treating eczema.(草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。)
Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.(湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,常会遗传。)
This natural remedy also helps in reducing various rashes and eczema.(这个自然方法对减少各种皮疹和湿疹也很有效。)
The direct cause is a chemical distress signal produced in skin that is damaged by another hazard of modern life: eczema.(直接的原因是皮肤里有一个对化学品产生痛苦的信号,现代生活的另一个威胁——哮喘会伤害皮肤。)
And the children in the probiotics group who did develop eczema had less severe symptoms overall.(并且益生菌组的所患有湿疹的症状总体上要比非益生菌组轻。)
Don't skimp on eczema medicine.(不要吝惜您的湿疹药。)
Eczema is a common disease that occurs when soldiers stand in the water for a long period of time.(战士们长时间站在水中很容易染上湿疹。)
Eczema is a skin condition that makes patches of skin become dry, red and itchy.(湿疹是一种皮肤病,它使皮肤产生斑点、变得干燥、鲜红和瘙痒。)
However, studies have yet to reveal exactly how probiotics might help prevent eczema and which 'friendly bacteria' work best.(无论怎样,研究已经正确揭示了益生菌是怎样可能帮助防止湿疹的并且哪个“友好的细菌”起到最好的作用。)
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