英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 16:27:16


英 [ɪˈlektrəkju:t]

美 [ɪˈlɛktrəˌkjut]


名词: electrocution 过去式: electrocuted 过去分词: electrocuted 现在分词: electrocuting 第三人称单数: electrocutes

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1. kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair

e.g. The serial killer was electrocuted

Synonym: fry

2. kill by electric shock

e.g. She dropped the hair dryer into the bathtub and was instantly electrocuted

1. 使触电身亡;用电击伤
If someone is electrocuted, they are accidentally killed or badly injured when they touch something connected to a source of electricity.

e.g. Three people were electrocuted by falling power-lines...
e.g. He accidentally electrocuted himself.

2. 用电刑处死(罪犯)
If a criminal is electrocuted, he or she is executed using electricity.

e.g. He was electrocuted for a murder committed when he was 17.

The court sentenced him to death by electrocution.

1. 处电刑:electroculture 电气栽培 | electrocute 处电刑 | electrocution 电刑

2. electrocute在线翻译

2. 单体电系攻击并击晕:Astral Tether 单体回城 | Electrocute 单体电系攻击并击晕 | Greater Astral Tether 组回城

3. 通电致死:electroculture 电气栽培 | electrocute 通电致死 | electrocute 以电击杀死

4. electrocute

4. 以电椅处死:electrocute 以电击杀死 | electrocute 以电椅处死 | electrocution 电死

From these he fabricates aesthetically pleasing traps designed to squash, squeeze, torch, shoot, and electrocute you and your fellow-mosquitoes. To death.(他要用这些东西伪造一些唯美诱蚊的陷阱,目的就是把你和你的弟兄们压死,挤死,烧死,射死,电死,总之就是不惜一切代价置你们于死地!)
Do not touch that wire or you will electrocute yourself.(不要碰那条电线,否则你会触电而死。)
You sure you didn't electrocute yourself on the fence?(你确定你不是碰到了那个电栅栏?)
Don't touch that wire, you'll electrocute yourself.(别碰那根电线,你会被电死的。)
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