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更新时间:2024-05-13 16:17:05



英 [ˈelədʒi]

美 [ˈɛlədʒi]


名词复数: elegies

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  • 哀歌
  • 挽歌
  • 挽诗
  • 悲歌


1. a mournful poem
a lament for the dead

Synonym: lament

1. 悲歌;挽歌;挽诗
An elegy is a sad poem, often about someone who has died.

e.g. ...a touching elegy for a lost friend.

1. 悲歌:前日,西班牙电影<>(Elegy)亮相第58届柏林电影节. 影片由佩内洛普.克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz)、本.金斯利(Ben Kingsley)主演,克鲁兹甫一亮相就惊艳全场,成为本届电影节最引人瞩目的明星. 图/CFP 新浪娱乐独家稿件声明:该作品(文字、图片、图表及音视频)特供新浪使用,

2. 挽歌:大卫单身汉的不羁生活在遇到24岁的康斯薇拉-凯斯迪罗时受到了严重挑战,这个来自古巴家庭的学生,引起了他强烈的占有欲,以及强烈的性冲动......<>(Elegy) 美国影片介绍:本片改编自菲利普-罗斯(Philip Roth)的小说<

3. elegy

3. 悲歌(<<生命花>>主题曲):05 Just like the First Day 像第一天一样(<>(all in)插曲) 3:13 | 06 Elegy 悲歌(<>主题曲)4:47 | 07 Till the Day You Become Mine直到成为我的那一天(<>主题曲) 3:29

The literary elegy in the Six Dynasties was not simply a kind of practical poems as it did originally.(挽歌本是一个实用性的诗歌题材,而在六朝,文人挽歌诗经历了脱离礼仪、又回归礼仪的演变过程。)
In this sense, his works are the farewell and elegy in the future to those of the past that will soon disappear.(从这个意义来说,他的这些作品是对即将消失的过去在未来的绝唱与挽歌。)
That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words, and never stope.(它栖息在灵魂之中,唱著无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。)
His masterpiece the Great Gatsby is actually an elegy of the "Jazz time".(其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》就是“爵士时代”的一曲挽歌。)
Now I spoke last time about the familiar sense of hesitation, that apology with which Milton had opened the elegy.(我要最后一次说明一下弥尔顿写在挽歌开头的,那句道歉,那种熟悉的犹疑感。)
When they sing a beautiful elegy to youth, a lament for all the things lost along the way, many were in tears.(当他们唱起动人的青春挽歌,悼念一路走来错失的所有,许多人都流下了眼泪。)
The pastoral elegy is clearly one of the most stylized and most self-consciously artificial of all of the poetic genres.(田园挽歌明显是所有诗歌类型中,最程式化,最具人工雕琢痕迹的诗种之一。)
This is my elegy…Do you know what I feel?(这是我的挽歌…你知道我的感觉吗?)
For a suffering heart, an elegy is the most beautiful piece of music.(对于一颗苦难的心,一曲悲歌是最美的音乐。)
It was for Keats that Shelley had written his elegy, adonais, in 1821, in which he seemed to predict his own death.(雪莱在1821年写的那篇挽歌《阿童尼》是为悼念济慈而写的,但在这诗篇中,他好像也预言了自己的死亡。)
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