英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 16:28:59


英 [ɪnˈθrɔ:l]

美 [ɛnˈθrɔl]



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1. hold spellbound

Synonym: enchantenrapturetransportenthrallravishdelight

in AM, use 美国英语用 enthrall, enthralls

1. 迷住;吸引住
If you are enthralled by something, you enjoy it and give it your complete attention and interest.

e.g. The passengers were enthralled by the scenery...
e.g. He enthralled audiences in Prague, Vienna, and Paris...

...an enthralling race.

1. 迷惑:enthetic 外来的 | enthral 迷惑 | enthrall 迷惑

2. enthral的解释

2. 迷住,吸引住:enduring appeal 具有经久不衰的吸引力 | enthral 迷住,吸引住 | intrigue激起好奇心

3. 迷惑, 迷醉,奴役:apparel 衣服, 装饰 n. | enthral 迷惑, 迷醉,奴役 v. | headwind 逆风 n.

4. 迷惑/迷醉/迷住/奴役:enthrakometer /超高频功率测量计/超高频功率计/ | enthral /迷惑/迷醉/迷住/奴役/ | enthrall /迷惑/奴役/迷住/

  • 经典引文

  • A man should not..enthrall his credit and honour to Harlots.

    出自:T. Newton
  • He was enthralled by the..spell of the orator.

    出自:E. Jenkins
  • Most of the subject matter was entirely new to me and I found it enthralling.

    出自:E. Waugh
The first chapter Owen read was of course about football and it didn't take long to captivate and enthral the kids.(欧文读的第一章当然是关于足球的,太短了所以孩子们都不过瘾。)
Nearly all the events listed on the recently released programme celebrate the heavily worthy sort of thing that authorities imagine will enthral visitors.(最近公布的节目单上几乎所有的节目庆祝活动,官方以为最有价值的东西,都是迷惑游客的。)
We want to enthral people with better sound, and this is the inspiration behind each SA speaker.(我们想让人们沉醉在美好的声音里,这是每一个SA喇叭最鼓舞人的事。)
She be enthral by the story she hear.(她被她听到的故事迷住了。)
In no sense did he draw and enthral her as Alex had done.(他远不如亚历克斯那么强烈地吸引她,让她着迷。)
enthral是什么意思 enthral在线翻译 enthral什么意思 enthral的意思 enthral的翻译 enthral的解释 enthral的发音 enthral的同义词