英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 16:39:59


英 [ɪˈskeɪpɪzəm]

美 [ɪˈskeˌpɪzəm]


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 逃避现实
  • 空想
  • 解脱方法
  • 幻想
  • 逃避主义
  • 逃避现实的行为


1. an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy

e.g. romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life
his alcohol problem was a form of escapism

Synonym: escape

1. 消遣;帮人逃避现实的事物
If you describe an activity or type of entertainment as escapism, you mean that it makes people think about pleasant things instead of the uninteresting or unpleasant aspects of their life.

e.g. Horoscopes are merely harmless escapism from an ever-bleaker world.

1. 逃避主义:代罪羔羊论的内在破绽足以证明它是一种逃避主义(escapism)的说法是应该被抛弃的. 但是恐怖(terror)作为政府的主要武器的趋向上升,又使它比以往更能令人置信. 因此,代罪羔羊的说法仍是主要的企图之一,旨在回避反犹主义的严重性,

2. 逃避现实;解脱方法:eroticism 色情描写 | escapism 逃避现实;解脱方法 | ethnocentrism民族中心主义

3. 逃避现实, 空想, 逃避主义 (名):escapeway 逃路; 太平梯 (名) | escapism 逃避现实, 空想, 逃避主义 (名) | escapist 逃避现实者 (名)

  • 经典引文

  • Religion that was mere escapism.

    出自:L. D. Weatherhead
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Feeling dispirited with reality, many of youngsters prefer escapism.(对于现实感到绝望,很多年轻人现在都选择了逃避主意。)
As KidsHealth points out, parents should teach their kids that the TV is “for occasional entertainment, not for constant escapism.”(正如儿童健康所指出的,父母应教导小孩,电视只是“偶尔的娱乐消遣,不是永远的桃花源。”)
Like me, they go to the football as a form of escapism, for fun - not to be shouted at.(和我一样,他们将足球看作一种解脱,一种娱乐——而不是去被不尊重被咆哮。)
A further example of the escapism quality that is inherent in art can be found in the art of making a movie.(另举一例来证明逃避是艺术的内在本质,这就是电影制作艺术。)
It's no longer escapism if I am doing my job.(终于,当我工作的时候,我不再逃避困难。)
These adventure films are pure escapism.(这些冒险片是纯粹的逃避现实。)
To read a children's book is not escapism - it's evasion, it's retreat, it's surrender.(读儿童小说不是逃避——是逃跑,是退缩,是举手投降。)
"If there's one thing you can count on, escapism and frivolity will always come back," says Min.(“如果有一件事你可以指望,逃避现实总是会回来,”闵说。)
But I'm not aware of any other nation where fantasy, escapism and the cyber world have fused with such intensity.(但有些国家我不清楚。在那些国家里,幻想,逃避现实和网络是如此得紧张。)
For John, books are a form of escapism.(对约翰来说,看书是一种消遣形式。)
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