英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 17:20:13



英 [ˈfɔ:lsɪfaɪ]

美 [ˈfɔlsəˌfaɪ]


名词: falsification 过去式: falsified 过去分词: falsified 现在分词: falsifying 第三人称单数: falsifies

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1. insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

Synonym: interpolatealter

2. falsify knowingly

e.g. She falsified the records

3. prove false

e.g. Falsify a claim

4. make false by mutilation or addition
as of a message or story

Synonym: distortgarblewarp

5. tamper, with the purpose of deception

e.g. Fudge the figures
cook the books
falsify the data

Synonym: fudgemanipulatefakecookwanglemisrepresent

1. 篡改;伪造
If someone falsifies something, they change it or add untrue details to it in order to deceive people.

e.g. The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.

...recent concern about the falsification of evidence in court.

1. falsify的解释

1. 证伪:即一个失败了的检验就足以证伪(falsify),而再多的确认性的例证也不能够完全证实(verify). 科学原理的特征 是假定性,其真实性要能经受证伪的检验. 声称拥有绝对真理的意识形态是一种谬 误的宣称,所以只能用强制手段强加于社会.

2. falsify

2. 篡改:face off对峙 | falsify篡改 | flagrant臭名昭著的

3. 伪造:falsifier 伪造者 | falsify 伪造 | falsism 谬论

4. falsify

4. 说谎:说话猥亵的ribald | 说谎falsify | 说谎的mendacious

  • 经典引文

  • No man can falsify any material fact here stated.

    出自:T. Jefferson
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They have to falsify account to get balance.(他们必须做假帐才能平衡帐目。)
The paper analyzes the phenomena that corporations and audit offices collaborate to falsify from the game theory perspective.(本文从对策论角度对上市公司与审计事务所合伙作假这一现象进行了分析。)
The most threatening problem is the authenticity of the data. The data can easily suffer the attack such as falsify, forge, distort, steal.(一种最显著的安全威胁来自于数据的真实性,数据在组播通信过程中容易受到篡改、伪造、乱序、窃取等攻击。)
A new usage once took time to spread, but now a pop star can falsify it across the world in hours.(一种新的用法过去花一段时间传播开来,但现在一个通俗歌星能在几小时内在全世界窜改它。)
They falsify or deny whatever doesn't suit their books.(他们篡改或者否定任何不符合他们意见的东西。)
The teachers taught the children how to falsify facts for the reporters.(老师们甚至还教孩子们怎么去捏造事实,应付记者。)
Sincerity, expressed by human lips and enforced by eyes, is impossible to falsify.(由人的嘴唇表达,再由人的眼睛强化的这份真诚,是不可能说谎的。)
It is the 'Capital's unilaterally judging and lead to falsify' class exploit 'conclusion and split society.(资本论第一卷就是站在单方面来判断才得出了错误的‘剥削’概念。)
This has led some of them to falsify research results and plagiarize the work of others.(这势必导致他们其中的一些人伪造研究成果和剽窃他人的著作。)
Do not fabricate, falsify, misrepresent, or overreach data in manuscripts, grant proposals, or meeting presentations.(在文章,授权提议和会议报告中不要伪造,伪造,误传或者利用数据过度引申。)
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