英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 17:05:34



英 [ˈfəʊliəʊ]

美 [ˈfoʊlioʊ]



名词复数: folios 过去式: folioed 过去分词: folioed 现在分词: folioing 第三人称单数: folios

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1. a book (or manuscript) consisting of large sheets of paper folded in the middle to make two leaves or four pages

e.g. the first folio of Shakespeare's plays

2. a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book)

Synonym: leaf

3. the system of numbering pages

Synonym: paginationpage numberpaging

1. (尤指欧洲早期印刷的)对开本
A folio is a book made with paper of a large size, used especially in the early centuries of European printing.

e.g. Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy.
理查德告诉过我 16 世纪的三卷关于炼金术的对开本书籍的事。

1. 页码:那么问题仍然在于如果在这些限制中排字?尝试缩小点数,让文字回流则是头一个解决方法. 在页尾可以试一下类似 Futura 的字体,放松字母间距,与页底页码(folio)的空间缩小. 可以尝试将日期写成数字. 更重要的是,边界要给更多的空间.

"Map of Fujian Province" by Planet Map Publishing House, rich in content, the picture is clear, Folio as a precedent.(《福建省地图》由星球地图出版社出版,内容丰富,图片清晰,开本为一开。)
Ughelli gave them two volumes in folio of notes which he had collected for the completion of his "Italia Sacra".(乌盖利给了他们两册英文排版的笔记,他已经收集了为完成他的“意大利骶”。)
Assignments in early quartos and First Folio texts will use Internet texts and facsimiles.(早期的四开本和首页对折文章的作业将使用因特网正文和传真。)
Multiple guest folio format.(多种客人帐单格式选择。)
And this year, the show won a Folio Award from the Fair Media Council.(今年,这档节目获得了由公平媒体委员会颁发的弗里欧奖。)
He next makes his appearance I the republic of letters, and publishes his folio.(紧接着,他又在文学界崭露头角,出版了对开本的书。)
Text area: area occupied by text on a page, excluding running head and folio.(正文版度:不计书眉和页码,正文在书页上所占的面积。)
Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy.(理查德告诉过我16世纪的关于炼金术的三卷对开本书籍的事。)
By Various. Band Folio. 16 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.(通过多方面的。乐队开本。16页。出版哈尔·伦纳德。)
Now if you look at the quotes and the folio edition There're many cases where there are significant diversions.(现在假如你看第一对开本和引语本,还有很多很不一样的地方。)
folio是什么意思 folio在线翻译 folio什么意思 folio的意思 folio的翻译 folio的解释 folio的发音 folio的同义词