英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 17:18:22


英 [ˈfɔ:tʃənˌtelə]

美 [ˈfɔrtʃənˌtɛlɚ]



  • 词典解释

1. 算命先生;算命者;卦师
A fortune-teller is a person who tells you what they think will happen to you in the future, after looking at something such as the lines on your hand.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The swishing sound of silk against silk made Mr. Peebles look up. The fortune-teller had entered the chamber. She was a large woman with long, black hair.(丝绸与丝绸的磨擦声瑟瑟作响,不禁使皮布尔斯先生抬头看。算命师已经走入房间。她是一个块头很大、长着又黑又长头发的女人。)
In the nineteen-forties, a safe burglar named Nedelkoff set himself up as a fortune-teller in Eastern Europe, and asked clients to press their hands into a soft clay tablet.(在二十世纪40年代,东欧一位名叫内德考夫的保险箱窃贼假扮成算命先生,要求客户在一块黏土板上按手印。)
My friend Mike is a fortune-teller.(我的朋友迈克是个算命师。)
We exchanged stories about the last time we'd each cried and confessed the one thing we'd like to ask a fortune-teller.(我们交流了我们最近一次哭泣的故事,并承认了我们想问算命先生的一件事。)
The fortune-teller told me something, about my past, today and future.(这个算命先生告诉了我一些事情,关于我的过去、现在和未来。)
At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called madam Bellinsky.(在乡村的集市上,我决定去拜访一位称作别林斯夫人的算命人。)
She just didn't know what to do so, being a sensible old lady, she went to ask her fortune teller to advise her.(但她是一个明智的老人,就决定去问问算命先生。)
Ashley: Oh, she's the tall blonde one, near the fortune-teller.(阿什利:哦,她是一个高大的金发女郎,靠近算命先生。)
“I am aprophet, not a fortune-teller.” Samuel said. I looked him in the eye, and he looked like something forbidding was going to happen.(“我是先知,但不是算命者。”塞缪尔说道。我注视着他,他的表情看起来就像什么严重事情就要发生。)
Then I went to the fortune-teller . He told me to sit down, then I gave him some money.(于是我走到算命人的面前,他叫我坐下,然后我给我他一点钱。)
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