英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:12:05


英 ['greɪtɪd]

美 ['greɪtɪd]



  • 网络解释

1. 刨过的:起司粉 Parmesan Cheese Powder | Grated 刨过的 | 小茴香粉 Grounded Cumin Seed

2. 磨碎的:4. cookery 烹调 | 5. grated 磨碎的 | 6. ingredient 组成

He grated his knife across the plate.(他用刀子划过盘子时发出刺耳的声音。)
Then, to boost the fiber and flavor, add grated apples, as well as fresh sage and thyme.(添加磨碎的苹果、新鲜的鼠尾草以及百里香,以提高汉堡的膳食纤维含量并改善风味。)
Add lemon juice and grated rind, carrots, almonds, flour, baking powder and salt. Mix well.(加入柠檬汁、柠檬皮碎屑、胡萝卜屑、杏仁碎粒、面粉、烘焙粉和盐,充分混合为蛋糕料。)
It grated with him when people implied he wasn't really British.(当有人暗示他不是地道的英国人时,他很是恼火。)
It is often used grated, so not much is needed. Use in pasta dishes and salads.(它常被磨成粉状,常用在意大利面和沙拉中。)
It grated upon him to see the feeling his daughter displayed.(看到女儿在这件事上的情绪,实在叫他恼火。)
Moreover, all the windows of this silent dwelling were grated with heavy iron bars, even the attic windows in the roof.(况且那所冷清清的房屋的每个窗口,连顶楼也计算在内,全都装了粗铁条。)
Top part was dry and bland a bunch of dry lettuce and dry grated mozarella, no sauce.(上面的部分是干的和无味的一堆干生菜和干磨碎的莫札雷拉奶酪,没有酱汁。)
He grated cheese into beaten eggs.(他把干酪磨碎放进搅过的蛋中。)
"Whatever" easily beat out "you know," which especially grated a quarter of respondents.(“Whatever”轻松击败“youknow(你知道)”位居榜首,另有四分之一的受访者称最讨厌后者。)
grated是什么意思 grated在线翻译 grated什么意思 grated的意思 grated的翻译 grated的解释 grated的发音 grated的同义词