英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:13:14


英 ['gri:dɪlɪ]

美 [ˈɡridɪlɪ]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. in a greedy manner

Synonym: avariciouslycovetously

1. greedily

1. 贪婪地:greed 贪欲 | greedily 贪婪地 | greediness 贪吃

2. greedily什么意思

2. 贪食地/贪婪地:greed /贪心/ | greedily /贪食地/贪婪地/ | greediness /贪吃/嘴馋/贪欲/

3. 贪食地:gredag 石墨油膏 | greedily 贪食地 | greediness 嘴馋

4. 贪婪的:fretfully 不快地 (S10) | greedily贪婪的 (S8) | hardly 几乎不 (J2)

  • 经典引文

  • Shrieve found Jumbo there, munching greedily from a plate.

    出自:J. Mitchell
We climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily.(我们爬上大力贪婪地呼吸着新鲜的空气。)
He watched her as greedily as he had watched her in the playground.(斯内普渴慕地望着她,就像游乐场上望着她时一样。)
You should not eat so greedily.(你不应该如此贪吃。)
The alligator bit the pliers out of my hand and swallowed them greedily.(鳄鱼从我手里咬掉老虎钳,一口吞到肚子里——贪贪婪婪地。)
On a visit to an insect farm, she greedily peels the wings and legs off a freeze-dried locust and crunches down with gusto.(在她参观一家昆虫农场时,她贪婪地剥下一只冻干的蝗虫的翅膀和腿,然后兴奋地吞下了肚。)
Remaining vultures grab slabs of softened gristle and greedily devour them.(秃鹫们夺取了软骨的厚片,贪婪地吞噬了它们。)
She gazed at the diamond ring greedily.(她贪婪地注视着那枚钻石戒指。)
I began reading, eagerly, greedily, impatient to satisfy my hunger for books.(我开始阅读,急不可耐,如饥似渴,迫不及待地满足我对书本的渴望。)
"You are there, my friend?" he repeated, greedily biting his nails.(“你来了?我的朋友?”他重复地说,贪婪地咬他的手指甲。)
She ate noisily and greedily.(她吧嗒着嘴狼吞虎咽地吃。)
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