英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:17:53


英 [ˈgʌʃə(r)]

美 [ˈɡʌʃɚ]



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1. an oil well with a strong natural flow so that pumping is not necessary

1. 喷油井:gunmetal 炮铜 | gusher 喷油井 | gutter 槽

2. 自喷井:gusher well 自喷井 | gusher 自喷井 | gushing gold 石油

3. 喷出物:gush 涌出 | gusher 喷出物 | gushing 迸出的

4. 滔滔不绝的说话者:227. guru: 古鲁,教师或权威. | 228. gusher: 滔滔不绝的说话者. | 229. habitant: 居民.

BP, based in London, stopped the flow from the Macondo gusher July 15 for the first time since the spill began.(总部在伦敦的BP于7月15日首次阻断了马孔多喷油井的油流。)
We endeavour to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher .(我们力图避免那种有关喷油井的陈旧的、不切实际的计划。)
Even before the fires, the two-month gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was threatening the long-term survival of sea turtles.(就在燃烧石油之前,墨西哥湾漏油发生两个月以来,就已经对海龟的生存造成了长期的威胁。)
And, at this particular moment, we are confronted by the picture of an uncontrolled gusher of oil spewing destruction into the gulf.(在这个特殊时期,我们面对的是一副这样的景象——海湾内的石油喷井无法控制下来,石油不停的流向海岸。)
Objective To explore a procedure useful to predict preoperatively the complication of stapedial gusher potentially occurring during the operation on or involving in the inner ear.(前言:目的探讨内耳手术并发症“镫井喷”的术前预测方法。)
From her ruptured tanks poured a reddish-brown gusher of oil that roiled and boiled and gradually spread a vast slick over the grey blue waters.(从破裂的油轮里,喷涌出一股股红棕色的原油,汹涌澎湃,渐渐地在蔚蓝色海面上形成了一层巨大的油膜。)
Moreover, that liquidity will be constantly refreshed by a gusher of earnings from our many and diverse businesses.(此外,我们许多且多样化的业务生意的收益将不断注入新的流动性。)
Carlos andres perez, born the very year the gusher erupted, knew all about both sides of oil.(卡洛斯·安德烈斯·佩雷斯,恰好出生在发生井喷那一年,他知道石油带来的利弊。)
If the results are encouraging, they may soon be able to cap the gusher that has been spewing as much as 60,000 barrels a day into the Gulf and has defied BP's many efforts to contain it.(如结果令人鼓舞,他们或许将很快能够终止油井的泄漏。这个油井目前每天向墨西哥湾泄漏高达60,000桶原油,英国石油公司多次努力均未能终止泄漏。)
As BP tries to stop the oil leak with a 'top kill' method, the Louisiana coastline is suffering from the effects of the continued gusher.(在英国石油公司利用“杀手锏”对付原油泄漏的同时,路易斯安那州的海岸线正遭受持续泄漏的原油的荼毒。)
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