英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:18:04


英 [ˈgʌtləs]

美 [ˈɡʌtlɪs]


名词: gutlessness

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1. lacking courage or vitality

e.g. he was a yellow gutless worm
a spineless craven fellow

2. weak in willpower, courage or vitality

Synonym: namby-pambyspinelesswishy-washy

1. 缺乏勇气的;没有胆量的;无毅力的;懦弱的
If you describe someone as gutless, you think they have a weak character and lack courage or determination.


e.g. By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.

1. 无胆量的:gut 内脏 | gutless 无胆量的 | gutta 滴

2. 没有勇气的,懦怯的:gusto 爱好,兴致勃勃 | gutless 没有勇气的,懦怯的 | gutter 沟,边沟;檐槽

3. 没有勇气的:friendless 没有朋友的 | gutless 没有勇气的 | houseless 没有家的

4. [口]无胆量的:51.insecure不牢靠的,不稳定的 | 52.gutless[口]无胆量的 | 53.creep [俚]卑鄙小人

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Don't tell him I told you, because he's terribly sensitive about it, and weeps huge cowardly tears out of his gutless baby eyes whenever it's mentioned.(别跟他说是我讲的,因为他对此极其敏感,而且每次有人提起他那懦弱的婴儿般的眼睛就会流下大量胆小的眼泪。而且,他生下来就像个女孩。)
You're gutless. You're a wimp.You're a chicken.(你是个胆小鬼。)
A good number of people in corporations are gutless.(有些公司的很多人都没有胆量。)
To wait until the end of the evening to own up was gutless and you have lost my respect.(为了直到晚上结束时再自行设立的胆,你失去了我的尊重。)
If you aren’t sensitive to the words you use, you might not even realize you do this. The fear of unknown gets excused so quickly, you don’t even realize your just being gutless.(你太忙于做例行的事情而不去尝试那些扰乱你生活的非例行的事情.如果你不注意你说过的话你也许不会意识到你做过此事.这样你就会对恐惧的未知事物快速找到借口你甚至没有意识到你变的没有了生气.)
By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.(通过袭击我,袭击我妻子,他已经证明了自己是一个胆小的懦夫。)
Or Just Gutless?(亦或只是没有勇气?)
The guilty men in this episode were gutless admirals.(这段往事中真正有罪的是那些怯懦的海军将领。)
She never stands up to her husband. She is gutless!(她从不敢违抗丈夫。真是没胆量!)
We don't know that there's no cure. You're just gutless !(我们不知道是不是有解药-你这个没种的家伙!)
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