英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 17:45:12



英 [ˈhɔ:lweɪ]

美 [ˈhɔlˌwe]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 门厅
  • 走廊
  • 过道
  • 过道玄关
  • 穿堂


1. an interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open

e.g. the elevators were at the end of the hall

Synonym: hall

1. 过道:返回 过道(hallway)拉开窗帘,发现一个小罐子里有把钥匙. 拿走,到厨房 厨房(kitchen)这把钥匙是右侧那扇门的,通往地下室,使用,下地下室. 地下室(cellar)楼梯旁边有个盒子,打开,里面似乎是电源总闸. 拉下总闸,虽然看上去一切OK,

2. 门厅,过道:15. slick 聪明的,非常好的,吸引人的 | 16. hallway 门厅,过道 | 17. chant 单调重复的说话(唱歌)

3. 場所公共空間走廊:171.場所公共空間頂樓Roof | 172.場所公共空間走廊Hallway | 173.場所公共空間騎樓Arcade


4. 走廊:38.穿堂 foyer | 39.走廊 hallway | 40.操場 playground

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

I slipped through the hallway by myself.(我独自沿走廊悄悄走着。)
I don't turn back. I run to the hallway.(我没有回头看,直接跑去了走廊。)
He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her.(他把老太太推进她家门厅里,并且野蛮地袭击了她。)
She walked into the cool of the hallway.(她走入了凉爽的过道。)
They took the lift up to the third floor and walked along the quiet hallway.(他们乘电梯到了3楼,然后走过寂静的过道。)
I saw him in our hallway, around dinnertime.(晚饭时分,我在门厅里见到了他。)
DIANA: There was a stranger in the hallway.(戴安娜:过道里有个陌生人。)
The basement hallway is painted a warm yellow.(地下室的走廊被涂成暖色调的黄色。)
As I entered the hallway which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me.(当我走进通向我房间的过道时,那种怪异的感觉攫住了我。)
My father stood there looming in the hallway.(我父亲沉着脸站在走廊。)
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