英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 17:48:32


英 [ˈhærəʊɪŋ]

美 [ˈhæroʊɪŋ]



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1. extremely painful

Synonym: agonizingagonisingexcruciatingtorturingtorturoustorturesome

1. 折磨人的;烦人的;令人无比痛苦的
A harrowing experience is extremely upsetting or disturbing.

e.g. You've had a harrowing time this past month.
e.g. ...harrowing pictures of the children who had been murdered.


1. 耙地:harrow 耙 | harrowing 耙地 | harvest 收获

2. harrowing的近义词

2. 痛心的:harrow 耙 | harrowing 痛心的 | harrumph 哼声


3. 痛心的/悲惨的:harrower /耙土机/ | harrowing /痛心的/悲惨的/ | harry /掠夺/侵略/使痛苦/使苦恼/

4. 悲痛的,令人伤心的:gnawing 痛苦的,折磨人的 | harrowing 悲痛的,令人伤心的 | upswing 上升,增长

  • 经典引文

  • The ordeal he had undergone..was so much more harrowing.

    出自:J. A. Michener
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But for others, one-on-one theatre can be harrowing.(但对其他人来说,一对一剧场可能是令人痛苦的。)
No one negates history out of a passing whim, but only under the impact of harrowing and unsuspected tragedies.(没有人一闪念就否定了历史,除非历经悲痛的打击与意料不到的悲剧。)
But as harrowing as the Fukushima debacle has been, it hasn't dimmed the hopes of nuclear technologists, suppliers and manufacturers.(不过,尽管福岛核灾难让世人痛心,但却未泯灭核能技术专家、供应商和生产商的希望。)
Even inside it, paperwork and perpetual inspections can make a simple fishing trip harrowing.(甚至就是在邦内,钓一次鱼这样简单的行程都会由于文书工作和无休止的检查而变得让人受不了。)
Carmine is made, literally, from ground-up cochineal insects, which is just a more harrowing way of saying mashed red beetles.(胭脂红实际上来自地面的胭脂虫,这仅仅是泥红甲虫的一个更痛苦的说法。)
You've had a harrowing time this past month.(在这过去的一个月里,你已经历了一段痛苦的日子。)
"Sick Girl" is the harrowing account of her 17-year journey through our health care system, told in unflinching detail.(在《病女孩》书中,她无畏地详述了自己十七年来跟医疗体系打交道的经过。)
Some told harrowing tales of their confinement for weeks under heavy artillery fire.(一些人讲述了几周以来在猛烈炮火中痛苦和被限制的生活。)
After 77 harrowing hours, all nine men emerged alive with minor injuries.(在被困了77小时以后,所有九人皆成功获救且仅受轻伤。)
Nothing compels the emotions of readers more than an account, in skillful literary hands, of a harrowing childhood.(没有什么能比以娴熟的文学手法来记述一个悲惨童年更能唤起读者的共鸣。)
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