英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:30:28


英 [ˈhetərədɒks]

美 [ˈhetərədɑ:ks]


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1. characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards

Synonym: dissidentheretical

1. (信仰、意见、想法等)异端的,离经叛道的,异教的,非正统的
Heterodox beliefs, opinions, or ideas are different from the accepted or official ones.

1. 非正统的:heterocyclic 杂环的 | heterodox 非正统的 | heterodoxy 异端


2. 非正统的,异端的:heretical异教的a | heterodox非正统的,异端的a | hetero异性的


3. 异端的,非正统的:orthodox 正统的 | heterodox 异端的,非正统的 | outfox 以机智胜过

4. 異端的 orthodox 正統的:doxy 意見、教義 | heterodox 異端的 orthodox 正統的 | paradox 似是而非的話

  • 经典引文

  • Men..tabooed by society because they were believed to be heterodox on questions of social policy.

    出自:E. H. Jones
Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.(如苏格拉底持非正统信念的个体,他们的观点,可能激励其它人反省,及内思,所有的好人,米尔顿,洛克及像伏尔泰等人,都做过类似的申辩。)
None of these heterodox options are available to Ireland, say the wise heads.(头脑聪明的人说,对爱尔兰俩来说,这些非正统的选项连一个都不存在。)
Jason's ideas have always been very heterodox.(杰森的想法总是非常特异。)
Explain to your friend, who has never done any economics (orthodox or heterodox), what perspective the article is using, and what an alternative perspective would say about the same issue.(告诉你的朋友,他从未做过任何经济学(正统和异端的),这篇文章是用什么角度,而另一种观点认为对同一个问题。)
The City of ten thousand Buddhas is a pure and holy place for cultivation, and will not tolerate heterodox teachings. Right in front of the ten thousand Buddhas, how can people speak so carelessly?(万佛圣城是修道清净的圣地,不可有旁门左道的言论,大家要知道,面对万佛,怎可以乱讲话?)
Rethinking Economics wants curricula to cover heterodox schools of thought.(“反思经济学”希望经济学课程能够涵盖非正统的思想流派。)
His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox.(他的观点时常带有明显的异端色彩。)
This paper sums up the general form of AS function, and the monetarist- style AD function, to build a heterodox AD - AS model for Chinas economy.(本文总合总供给函数的通用形式和货币主义性质的总需求函数,建立面向中国经济的非正统总供给总需求模型。)
I declined answering Mrs Dean's question, which struck me as something heterodox.(我拒绝回答丁太太的问题,这问题使我觉得有点邪道。)
Prepared for the Association for Heterodox Economics 9th Annual Meeting, University of the West of England, Bristol UK, 13-15 July 2007.(准备为异端经济学协会第九届年会2007年7月,西英格兰13日至15日,英国布里斯托尔大学。)
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