英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 18:02:48



英 [hu:f]

美 [hʊf, huf]

n. 蹄; 人的脚

v. 以蹄踢; 行走

名词复数: hoofs/hooves 过去式: hoofed 过去分词: hoofed 现在分词: hoofing 第三人称单数: hoofs

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  • [C](兽的)蹄,马蹄 the hard foot of certain animals,as of the horse


1. the foot of an ungulate mammal

2. the horny covering of the end of the foot in ungulate mammals


1. dance in a professional capacity

2. walk

e.g. let's hoof it to the disco

Synonym: footleg ithoof it

1. (马等动物的)蹄
The hooves of an animal such as a horse are the hard lower parts of its feet.

e.g. The horses' hooves often could not get a proper grip.


1. 蹄:中蹄兽是一种原始的陆生哺乳类,体形像狼,具有长臂,为趾行类(digitigrade)(行走时以手指或脚趾著地),可能有蹄(hoof)生活在北美、亚洲及欧洲,被认为是鲸豚的共同祖先.


2. 蹄,足:183.honey蜂蜜 | 184.hoof 蹄,足 | 185.horn(牛、羊、鹿)角

3. hoof

3. 马蹄:mare 母马 | hoof 马蹄 | quill 刺

4. hoof

4. 有蹄类动物:137 Hog 阉过的公猪 | 138 Hoof 有蹄类动物 | 139 Horse 马

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1. hoof it : 步行;

2. hoof out : 逐出;

3. on the hoof : 活着, 未屠宰;

  • The horses' hoofs clattered over the pavement.
  • The ancient city of Rome fell under the iron hooves of the barbarians.
  • I heard the little hard hooves of his mare come scuttling across the dry hill.

    出自:E. Langley
  • Marty, my daughter, lives near the garage so Billy and I hoof it over there.

    出自:W. Wharton
Some prefer shallow collections of freshwater, such as puddles, rice fields, and hoof prints.(有些喜欢小水坑、稻田和动物踩踏后留下的泥潭等浅层淡水蓄积之处。)
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.(然后,转瞬间,我听说在屋顶上这个神气的每个小蹄,开了眼界。)
If you notice, he doesn't dribble with his hoof.(你是否注意到,他不是用他的蹄子运球。)
Just as it is not the hoof.(只是有一样——它的蹄子却不像。)
And her homework was covered in bites and hoof prints.(她的作业本被啃得不像样,而且还被踩满了蹄印。)
Your daily hoof checks and most farrier work are usually performed in a horse that is tied.(日常蹄子检查和大部分蹄铁匠的工作通常是马被拴住的情况下进行的。)
Dickon had made Jump give Mary his small front hoof and kiss her on her cheek with his velvet muzzle.(狄肯让跳跳把他小小的前蹄伸给玛丽,用他天鹅绒般的口鼻吻她的脸颊。)
But that woman is dependably clean on the hoof.(可是那个女子,是踏实的干净的活着的。)
I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.(我早就认为他迟早会原形毕露的。)
The forepart of a foot or hoof.(身躯的前部和头仍然往上抬起着。)
hoof是什么意思 hoof在线翻译 hoof什么意思 hoof的意思 hoof的翻译 hoof的解释 hoof的发音 hoof的同义词