英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:36:28


英 [hʊkt]

美 [hʊkt]


名词: hookedness

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释


1. addicted to a drug

Synonym: dependentdependantdrug-addictedstrung-out

2. curved down like an eagle's beak

Synonym: aquiline

3. having or resembling a hook (especially in the ability to grasp and hold)

e.g. hooklike thorns

Synonym: hooklike

1. 钩状的
If you describe something as hooked, you mean that it is shaped like a hook.


e.g. He was thin and tall, with a hooked nose.
e.g. ...hooked claws.

2. (被…)迷住的;(对…)入迷的
If you are hooked on something, you enjoy it so much that it takes up a lot of your interest and attention.

e.g. Many of the leaders have become hooked on power and money...
e.g. Open this book and read a few pages and you will be hooked.

3. (吸毒)上瘾的
If you are hooked on a drug, you are addicted to it.

e.g. He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin and alcohol.

1. 钩状的:hook-nosed 鹰钩鼻的 | hooked 钩状的 | hooker 渔船

2. 弯成钩形的:hooked spit 钩状岬 | hooked 弯成钩形的 | hooker-on 挂钩人

3. 有钩的:hooked 用钩做成的 | hooked 有钩的 | hookedness 钩状物

4. 钩状的,弯曲的:broad宽的,宽大的 | hooked钩状的,弯曲的 | nature大自然,自然界

  • 经典引文

  • The black eyes were piercing,..the nose hooked, dominant and uncompromising.

    出自:A. Mason
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He was thin and tall, with a hooked nose.(他又瘦又高,长着一只鹰钩鼻。)
Paul hooked his tractor to the car and pulled it to safety.(保罗把他的拖拉机挂在那辆小汽车上,然后把它拖到安全的地方。)
This afternoon Iz and Jude and Chris hooked up.(今天下午伊兹、祖德以及克里斯待在一起。)
It was the biggest pike I ever hooked.(那是我钓到的最大的狗鱼。)
He hooked two oxen up to the cart.(他把两头牛套到大车上。)
Suddenly an arm hooked around my neck.(突然有一条胳臂箍住了我的脖子。)
She was then hooked up to an IV drip.(接着就给她接上了静脉滴注。)
A large proportion of the nation's households are hooked up to the Internet.(全国大部分家庭都接通了互联网。 )
He hooked his foot under the stool and dragged it over.(他用脚从底下钩住凳子,把它拖了过去。)
He hooked up the doorbell.(他装好了门铃。)
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