英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 18:05:54



英 [hʌlk]

美 [hʌlk]

n. 废船; 笨重的人或物

vi. 赫然显现; 笨拙地挪动

过去式: hulked 过去分词: hulked 现在分词: hulking 第三人称单数: hulks

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1. a ship that has been wrecked and abandoned

2. a very large person
impressive in size or qualities

Synonym: giantheavyweightwhale



1. appear very large or occupy a commanding position

e.g. The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain
Large shadows loomed on the canyon wall

Synonym: loomtowerpredominate

1. 巨大的残骸;大型废弃物
The hulk of something is the large, ruined remains of it.

e.g. ...the ruined hulk of the old church tower...
e.g. I could make out the gutted hulk of the tanker.

2. (令人恐惧的)庞然大物
You use hulk to describe anything which is large and seems threatening to you.

e.g. I followed his big hulk into the house.

1. 绿巨人浩克:李安拍戏全心投入,不计代价只要拍出最好的画面,当初为了寻找<>的场景,访遍中国各大山岳伤了腿,为了制作<>(Hulk)特效,眼睛也出状况.

2. hulk

2. 變形俠醫:他除了拍出了<>、<>、<>及<>等华语片以外,居然还能拍出令国际影视界一致叫好的跨文化的<>(Sense and Sensibility)、<>(The Ice Storm)、<>(Ride with the Devil)、&l

  • 经典引文

  • Rawdon himself was there..a hulk of a man with tall boots.

    出自:M. Gee
  • We..came upon the car: hulking in the dark.

    出自:A. Tyler
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Anduin sat motionless, hearing nothing the general said, looking at the dying hulk of his father in disbelief.(安度因静止的坐着,没有在听将军说,不相信眼前的死去的笨重身躯是父亲。)
Neglect, dilapidation, storm and fire have gradually reduced it to a rusting hulk, like the rib-cage of a whale.(失修、荒废、风暴和火灾使它逐渐沦为生锈的废船,就像鲸鱼的胸腔。)
I saw a rotting hulk on the beach.(我在海滩上看见了一艘腐烂的废船。)
APPLE MUST THINK DRUNK HULK LIFE SUCK!(这天我永远不会忘记的,苹果肯定认为我的生活糟透了。)
At another, a minibus lay crushed beneath the hulk of a jackknifed truck.(而在另一边,一辆微型车被撞碎,被压在车身已扭曲的卡车下面。)
To me, Hulk is really a horror film, and it's a psychodrama to me.(对于我来说,“绿巨人”是恐怖电影,对于我来说它是一部心理剧。)
Despite its two-ton, two-story-high hulk , this poor robot is living in its head.(尽管重二吨并有两层楼那么高,但这个可怜虫离开了头脑就没有生路。)
The adrenaline of that June night gave him an edge, but it didn't turn him into the Incredible Hulk.(6月的那个夜晚,肾上腺激素让他达到了极限,但并没有把他变成“绿巨人”。)
Hulk, you're coming with us, aren't you?(绿巨人你会和我们一起走的是吗?)
The great hulk of the factory sits right in the middle of the town.(工厂的庞大身躯正好位于城市的中心地带。)
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